Ann Biddlecom

Independent Researcher
Independent Researcher

Field of Study: Demography, Sociology
Specialization: Data Collection and Processing, Families and Households, Fertility, Reproductive Health (Family Planning), Social Demography
Education: Doctorate (Ph.D, or MD), Brown University, Sociology, 1995
Working languages: English
Other association membership in population or related fields: Population Association of America (PAA), Union for African Population Studies (UAPS)
Professional Summary:

Ann Biddlecom most recently served as Director of International Research at the Guttmacher Institute in New York. Her research interests are on sexual and reproductive health worldwide, the estimation of levels and trends in sexual and reproductive health outcomes, particularly family planning and outcomes among adolescents, and approaches to improve the measurement of sexual and reproductive health behaviors. Before joining the Guttmacher Institute in this position in August 2016, she served as Chief of the Fertility and Family Planning Section in the Population Division of the United Nations from 2009 to 2016, and held prior research positions at the Guttmacher Institute, the University of Michigan and the Population Council. She received a Ph.D. in Sociology and Population Studies from Brown University. 



Alkema, Leontine, Vladimira Kantorova, Clare Menozzi and Ann Biddlecom. 2013. "National, regional, and global rates and trends in contraceptive prevalence and unmet need for family planning between 1990 and 2015: a systematic and comprehensive analysis." The Lancet. Published online March 12,


Bankole, Akinrinola, Ann E. Biddlecom and Kumbutso Dzekedzeke. 2011. "Women’s and men’s fertility preferences and contraceptive behaviors by HIV status in 10 Sub-Saharan African countries." AIDS Education and Prevention 23(4): 313-328.


Prada, Elena, Ann E. Biddlecom and Susheela Singh. 2011. "Induced abortion in Colombia: New estimates and change between 1989 and 2008." International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health 37(3):114-124. [also in Spanish:]


Biddlecom, Ann E., Richard Gregory, Barbara Mensch and Cynthia Lloyd. 2008. "Associations between premarital sex and leaving school in four sub-Saharan African countries."  Studies in Family Planning 12(4):337-350.

Greene, Margaret E. and Ann E. Biddlecom.  2000.  "Absent and problematic men: Demographic accounts of male reproductive roles."  Population and Development Review 26(1): 81-115.

Biddlecom, Ann E. and Bolaji M. Fapohunda.  1998.  "Covert contraceptive use: Prevalence, motivations and consequences."  Studies in Family Planning.  29(4): 360-372.

Honorary or professional positions and awards:
Council member at large, IUSSP, 2014-2017

Chair, Nominations Committee, Population Association of America, August 2012-January 2013

Secretary-Treasurer, Population Association of America, July 2008-June 2011

Member, International Outreach Committee, Population Association of America, 2005-2008
Research grants:
2015-2017. Making Family Planning Count. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation: $1,275,000

2008-2013. HIV status and achieving fertility desires: Implications for HIV prevention and testing policies. Co-investigator (Akinrinola Bankole, PI). National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (1 R01 HD058359): $1,506,000

2001-2008. Protecting the Next Generation: Understanding HIV Risk among Youth. Co-investigator (Susheela Singh, PI). The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation: $8,338,191

2002-2007. Building Partnerships to Reduce Youth HIV Risk in Africa. Co-investigator (Akinrinola Bankole, PI). National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (1 R24 HD43610-01): $1,511,873

2001-2004. Comparative Study of Health Transitions in Later Life. Co-investigator (Mary Beth Ofstedal, Co-PI). National Institute on Aging (1R01 AG20072-01): $646,350

2001-2006. Reciprocal Relations between Population and Environment. Co-investigator (William Axinn, PI). National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (2R01 HD33551-07): $2,821,269