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Professional Summary:

Graduation at University - Political Siences - with a study on migration and economic issues.

Fellowship in the National Reserch Institute for Population of the CNR (National Center for Research) of Italy  1991-1996

Senior resercher working in ISTAT since 1996.

Filds of work: educational statistics, Census, Demography. Use of administrative data from population registries.

Collaboration with the Community of Sant'Egidio for programmes in Africa related to population, and for studies on population in Italy.



Silvestrini A., Simone M., edited by,  La Revisione post Censuaria delle Anagrafi 2012-2014. Istat 2016 ISBN 978-88-458-1907-0

Silvestrini A., Ettore, MG, Cariello S, edited by, Guida alla vigilanza anagrafica, Istat 2010, ISBN 978-88-458-1669-7


Silvestrini A.,edited by

La rilevazione degli italiani all’estero al 21 marzo 2003: caratteristiche demografiche, Ministero degli Affari Esteri, Roma, dicembre 2005;


Golini A., Silvestrini A.,

Family Change, Fathers and Children in Western Europe: A Demographic and Psychosocial Perspective, in “The family on the Threshold of the 21st century. Trends and Implications” a cura di S. Dreman, New Jersey, 1997, pp. 201-225



Silvestrini A., edited by ( a cura di)

L'information démographique et la presse Européenne: la Conférence du Caire 1994. Etudes et Documents/Studies and Documents n. 2 del European Observatory for Population Education and information, NIDI, La Haye, 1995