The IUSSP Officers and Secretariat wish you all a happy holiday season and New Year!
Demography and the Post-2015 Data Revolution
The IUSSP convened an Expert Meeting on Demography and the Post-2015 Data Revolution, in Paris, France 9-10 October 2014. The aim of the meeting was to determine how demographers, and demographic skills, could contribute to a data revolution. (Read more and comment on the IUSSP Statement)
International Population Conference |
Cape Town 2017: first IOC meeting
The first meeting of the International Organizing Committee (IOC) for the XXVII IUSSP Conference will take place in February in Cape Town, South Africa. This meeting will focus in particular on setting up the scientific programme and the Call for Papers for the 2017 Conference, which will be based in part on the 164 session suggestions submitted by IUSSP members.
Membership News |
Donations to IUSSP The IUSSP Council warmly thanks the many members who include additional donations in support of the Union’s activities (see list). These donations help the IUSSP fulfil its mandate to further the scientific study of population and include researchers from all regions in its activities. Recent changes in French law now also make it possible for IUSSP to receive gifts from members and the public through a will or living trust. (Read more) |

In memory
IUSSP Seminars |
Early-life determinants of late-life employment, ill health and early death
This seminar was organized in Lund, Sweden 20-21 October, by the IUSSP Scientific Panel on Pathways to Health. The seminar brought together 20 researchers to shed light on the life-course processes that influence labour market performance and older-age health. (Read more)
IUSSP Training Workshops |
Training workshop on the Demographic Dividend
This training workshop, held in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso was the third organized by the IUSSP Network for Strengthening Demographic Training in Francophone Africa on the Demographic Dividend. (Read more)
Calls for Papers |
IUSSP Call for papers
- IUSSP Seminar on Spatial Analysis in Historical Demography: Micro and macro approaches, Quebec City, Canada, 17-18 September 2015. Deadline for submissions: 1 March 2015
Other calls
- Call for Dissertation Manuscripts: African Dissertation Series Vol 2 (African Population Studies). Deadline for submission: 30 December 2014
- NWO-WOTRO. First Call for the Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Research Programme. Deadline to submit a Letter of Intent : 5 January 2015
- Turkish Migration Conference: “Economics, Identities and Geographies”. 1st Call for Abstracts/Papers and Sessions.
Deadline for submissions: 12 January 2015
- Regional Seminar on Gender Based Violence, Asunción, Paraguay, 17 June 2015. Abstracts and Papers in Spanish or Portuguese. Deadline for abstract submissions: 15 January 2015
- 8th International Conference on Population Geographies, Brisbane, Australia, 30 June-3 July 2015. Deadline for submission: 15 February 2015
- International Conference on Is inequality increasing again? What population science can tell us. Organized by iPOPS (Individuals, Population, Societies) project, Paris, France, 2-3 July 2015. Deadline for submissions: 27 February 2015
- PopFest 2015: The 23rd Annual Population Postgraduate Conference, Plymouth, United Kingdom, 6-8 July 2015. Deadline for submissions: 12 March 2015
- Workshop on Changing patterns of mortality and morbidity: age, time, cause- and cohort-perspectives, organized by the EAPS Health, Morbidity and Mortality Working Group, Prague, Czech Republic 16 - 18 September 2015. Deadline for submission: 31 March 2015
Call for briefs- Call for contributions to the UN Global Sustainable Development Report 2015. Deadline for submissions is 20 January 2015
Call for entries- A data visualization competiton is being held in advance of the Cartagena Data Festival (20-22 April 2015) to showcase the best examples of infographics and data visualisations that enable us all to better understand progress amongst the poorest people. Deadline for submissions: 9 March 2015
Recent Publications |
Books (based on IUSSP seminars)
Job Opportunities |
Employment announcements
- Highly qualified Statistical Programmer, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Rostock, Germany. Applications accepted on a rolling basis.
Research grants and post-docs - PhD students or Post-Doctoral researchers (up to 2 positions) to work on a project analyzing the relationship between health behaviors and mortality in aging populations, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Rostock, Germany. Applications accepted on a rolling basis.
- PhD (up to 2), Post-Doctoral Fellow (up to 2), and a Research Scientist to study gender gaps in health and survival, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Rostock, Germany. Applications accepted on a rolling basis.
Calendar |
Forthcoming IUSSP seminars & workshops- Training Workshop on the Demographic Dividend and African emergence – Education, Economic Growth, and Health. Yaoundé, Cameroon, 12-21 January 2015
- Separation, divorce, repartnering and remarriage around the world. Montreal, Canada, 4-6 May 2015
- Spatial Analysis in Historical Demography: Micro and macro approaches, Quebec City, Canada, 17-18 September 2015
Other forthcoming conferences
- The ACSS Second Conference: Questioning Social Inequality and Difference in the Arab Region, Beirut, Lebanon, 13-15 March 2015
- 2015 Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America. San Diego, United States, 30 April-2 May 2015
- 2nd Annual International Conference on Demography and Population Studies. Athens, Greece, 15-18 June 2015
- Regional Seminar on Gender Based Violence, Asunción, Paraguay, 17 June 2015
- 8th International Conference on Population Geographies, Brisbane, Australia, 30 June-3 July 2015.
- Third Asian Population Association Conference. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 27-30 July 2015
- EAPS Health, Morbidity and Mortality Working Group Workshop. Prague, Czech Republic, 16-18 September 2015
- 7th African Population Conference. Johannesburg, South Africa, 30 November-4 December 2015
Submit your news and announcements We need you to share news from your institution and region so that we can keep all IUSSP members informed about recent or forthcoming events and opportunities in the population field. IUSSP members are welcome to submit information on conferences, job openings, post-doctoral positions, and research grants for inclusion in the newsletter and IUSSP website. Please send the information and any photos to and remember to include important dates for application deadlines. Information should be sent by email or in a Word document so that it can be edited. We look forward to hearing from you soon. |