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IUSSP Bulletin - Issue 66, Dec 2024

IUSSP Opposes the Removal of Statistical and Scientific Data from US Government Websites


The International Union for the Scientific Study of Population IUSSP strongly endorses the statement made on 1 February 2025 by the Population Association of America (PAA) and the Association of Population Centers (APC) expressing alarm about US Federal Agencies purging statistical and scientific data. The removal of these data, even temporarily, puts the integrity of these data at risk. Removing data from secure portals raises grave concerns about the current US Administration’s willingness to undermine scientific information which serves the health and well-being of Americans. If scientists cannot access these data, policymakers’ ability to track changes in population issues over time and space will be gravely impeded. The IUSSP requests that access to impacted datasets be restored and future attacks prevented.

March 3, 2025

N-IUSSP: Intimate partner violence and low birth weight in Colombia
Stefania Molina


Call for Abstracts:

Demographic and Health Consequences of Violence and Armed Conflict
Rostock, Germany, 1-2 juillet 2025

  • Deadline for abstract submission: 14 March 2025 (23:59 CET).


Gender, Reproduction and Family Dynamics in the Post-Pandemic Era, Side Meeting to the IPC 2025, at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia, 13 July 2025, 9am-3pm

  • Deadline for abstract submission: 30 April 2025


Special Issue 2026 in Comparative Population Studies (CPoS) on "Migration Trajectories Across the Life Course"

  • Deadline for abstract submissions: 15 May 2025

International Population Conference (IPC2025)

13-18 July 2025, Brisbane, Australia  




Call for host country proposals for IPC 2029


The IUSSP Council invites national population associations and other national institutions to consider hosting the XXXI International Population Conference in 2029.

IUSSP-Mattei Dogan Foundation Award for Comparative Research in Demography

Call for applications 2025 – mid-career researchers.

  • Deadline for nominations: 2 December 2024


 Members News

In Memoriam

Susan Cotts Watkins (1938-2024)

Susan Cotts Watkins died peacefully in her sleep at her home in Santa Monica on August 26, 2024, at the age of 85. Susan was an eminent demographer and sociologist and a leader in research on social networks, gender, fertility, and AIDS in Africa. She had joined the IUSSP in 1981 and served as a member of the Committee on Anthropological Demography (1998-2002).

(read more)

Pierre Cantrelle (1926-2024)

Pierre Cantrelle, demographer at ORSTOM/IRD, died on November 7 at the age of 98. He played an important role in the development of African demography and was a long-time active member of the IUSSP, which he had joined in 1960. He helped organize the 1st African Regional Conference on Population, in Accra in 1971, organized by UNECA and IUSSP, whose proceedings are included in the volume Population in African Development, edited by Pierre Cantrelle and published by the IUSSP in 1974.

(read more)


New publications from members


An Introduction to Population Studies – Global Perspective, by Frank Trovato (University of Alberta)


Everything you always wanted to know about IUSSP…

Feedback from members via the recent survey and answers from the IUSSP Secretariat.


Data Revolution

IUSSP Statement:  Defining and successfully accomplishing the Data Revolution – The perspective of Demographers

IUSSP members are invited to read and comment on recommendations sent to the UN Secretary General's Independent Expert Advisory Group on the Data Revolution for Sustainable Development.



SDSN/IUSSP Report: Harnessing the Data Revolution for Development -Issues in the design and monitoring of SDG indicators


IUSSP Panel on Digital Demography

IUSSP Panel on Population Perspectives and Demographic Methods to Strengthen Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Systems

IUSSP/CODATA Scientific Panel on FAIR Vocabularies


For more information see: Demography and the Data Revolution


IUSSP Project on Family Planning, Fertility and Urban Development 

A project to support early career researchers in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia to produce policy-relevant evidence on family planning and fertility in cities and towns and their links to urban welfare funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. 


Distance Training 


Tools for Demographic Estimation 

This site represents the major output arising from a joint IUSSP and UNFPA project to produce a single volume containing updated tools for demographic estimation from limited, deficient and defective data


Population Analysis for Policies & Programmes 

This course introduces users to the methods used by demographers to analyse population data, and the sources of this data and the methods used to collect this data. Throughout the course, students are introduced to the types of issues of interest to demographers through real examples. Included are sessions that introduce broad areas of research through discussion of both global and national trends and sessions that show how demographic methods may be used in researching a range of areas, such as reproductive health, morbidity and health profiles, and the effects of ageing on a population.