Numéros spéciaux et articles de revues scientifiques

originant de séminaires de l'UIESP 


Special issue on “Contraceptive Transitions: Explanations and Evidence”.   Supplement to Population and Development Review, Volume 50, Issue S2, December 2024.   Edited by John B.  Casterline and Suzana Cavenaghi.


Special issue on "The Science of Choice". Supplement to Population Studies, October 2017, edited by Frans Willekens, Jakub Bijak, Anna Klabunde and Alexia Prskawetz.


Dos Santos, S., E. A. Adams, G. Neville, Y. Wada, A. de Sherbinin, E. Mullin Bernhardt and S. B. Adamo. 2017. Urban growth and water access in sub-Saharan Africa: Progress, challenges, and emerging research directions. Science of The Total Environment, Volumes 607–608. Pages 497-508


Special issue on Demographic differential vulnerability to climate-related disasters, Raya Muttarak and Leiwen Jiang, eds., in Vienna Yearbook of Population Research, Volume 13, 2015. 


Special issue on Postpartum and Post-Abortion Contraception: From Research to Programs, Iqbal H. Shah, K.G. Santhya, and John Cleland, eds., in Studies in Family Planning, Volume 46, Issue 4, December 2015.


Special Issue on Socioeconomic status and fertility before, during and after the demographic transition, Martin Dribe, Michel Oris and Lucia Pozzi, eds., in Demographic research, Special collection 14, vol. 31, 2014.


Special Issue on Population and Climate: Research Innovations and Bridges to Policy, in Population and Environment, Volume 35, Issue 3, March 2014.


Special issue on First Union Patterns Around the World, Andrew J. Cherlin, ed., Population Research and Policy Review, Volume 33, Issue 2, April 2014.


Special issue on Unmet Need for Family Planning, in Studies in Family Planning, Volume 45, Issue 2, June 2014 (free online).


Special section on Rural-Urban Linkages and the Impact of Internal Migration in Asian Developing Countries, in Asian Population Studies, Volume 9, Issue 2, 2013.
Special issue on Youth Migration and Transitions to Adulthood in Developing Countries in The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Volume 648, Issue 1, July 2013. 
Special issue on The health, social, and economic consequences of unsafe abortion: Papers presented at an IUSSP Seminar, Mexico, 2010, Susheela Singh, Sandra G. García, Agnès Guillaume, Friday Okonofua, Ndola Prata, eds., in International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics, Volume 118, Supplement 2 (2012) S63–S64.
Special issue on Marriage Migration in Asia, Gavin W. Jones, ed., in Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, volume 21, No 3, September 2012.
Special issue on Revisiting Mortality Crises of the Past, Tommy Bengtsson and Alain Gagnon, eds., in Genus Vol 67, No 2. 2011.
Special issue on Socioeconomic Inequalities in Death, Tommy Bengtsson and Frans van Poppel, eds., in Explorations in Economic History, Volume 48, Issue 3, Pages 343-444. July 2011.
Special Issue on Business Demography, Farhat Yusuf and David Swanson, eds., in Population Research and Policy Review, Volume 29, Number 1 / February 2010.
Special issue of Advances in Life Course Research (ALCR) on Demographic Perspectives on the Transition to Adulthood, Volume 15, Issues 2-3 (June-September 2010). pp. 53-120 
Special Issue on Trade-Offs in Female Life Histories: Integrating Evolutionary Frameworks, Rebecca Sear and Mhairi A. Gibson, eds., in American Journal of Human Biology, Vol 21, issue 4, July/August 2009.
Special issue on Early Life Effects on Socioeconomic Performance and Mortality in Later Life: A Full Life Course Approach Using Contemporary and Historical Sources in Social Science & Medicine, Vol 68, Issue 9, May 2009.
Symposium on Interactions between Poverty and HIV/AIDS, John Strauss, ed., Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol. 56, No. 2, January 2008.
Special issue on The Ecology of the Male Life Course, in Social Biology, Vol. 53 Spring-Summer 2006, No. 1-2 and Vol. 53 No. 3-4 Fall-Winter 2006.
Special Issue on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health in Sub-Saharan Africa, in Studies in Family Planning, Vol. 39, Issue 4, Dec 2008 


Special issue on The Demographic Window of Opportunity, Angelique Chan, Wolfgang Lutz and Jean-Marie Robine (eds.). Asian Population Studies, Vol. 1, Number 2, July 2005. 


Special Issue on Demographic Perspectives on Violence and Conflict, Ewa Tabeau and Helge Brunborg (eds.). European Journal of Population, Vol. 21, Number 2/3, 2005. 


Special Issue on Increasing Longevity: Causes, Consequences and Prospects , Shiro Horiuchi and Jean-Marie Robine (eds.). Genus, Vol. 61, Number 1, Jan-March 2005. 


Symposium on Poverty, Programs, and Demographic Outcomes, John Strauss (ed.). Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol. 54, No. 1, October 2005. 


Determinants of Diverging Trends in Mortality, Vladimir M. Shkolnikov (ed.). Demographic Research Special Collection 2, Volume 10, 2004


Special Issue on Demographic Training, Graziella Caselli (ed.). Genus No. 3-4, 2002


Family Planning Programs in the Twenty-first Century, John C. Caldwell, James F. Phillips and Barkat-e-Khuda (eds.). Studies in Family Planning 33 (1), 2002


Measurement of Risk and Modelling the Spread of AIDS, Martina Morris and Michael Bracher (eds.). Mathematical Population Studies 8 (2-3), 2000 


Special Issue on HIV/ AIDS, Michael Carael and Bernhard Schwartlander (eds.). AIDS 12 (supplement 1), 1998


Evidence of the Socio-demographic Impact of AIDS in Africa, Kofi Awusabo-Asaro, J. T. Boerma, Basia Zaba (eds.). Health Transition Review, Vol. 7 (2), 1997


AIDS Impact and Prevention in the Developing World: Demographic and Social Sciences, John Cleland and Peter Way (eds.). Health Transition Review, Vol. 4, 1994