DHS Modeled Surfaces

Access the new modeled surfaces created using DHS data. This DHS Program provides a standard set of spatially modeled map surfaces for recent population-based survey. Currently the site has 9 countries (Surveys released between January 2015 to June 2016) with up to 15 indicators per country. Sevenmore countries are expected to be added soon (data released after January 2014).  To accompany the new surfaces there is a guidance document to give users some insights on how the surfaces were created and how they might be used. This document can be found at: http://dhsprogram.com/publications/publication-SAR14-Spatial-Analysis-R… the non-geospatial types you will find that you can directly download the image of the surface from the website to include in documents or presentations, these images are also included in the download packages along with GIS files and a PDF describing the surface creation process.


Gridded Population of the World (GPW), v4

The Gridded Population of the World (GPW) series models the distribution of human population (counts and densities) on a continuous global surface. The GPW data collection provides openly-available gridded population data that maintains fidelity to the input census. The Gridded Population of the World (GPW) series is now in its fourth version (GPWv4). 


INDEPTH Data Repository

The International Network for the Demographic Evaluation of Populations and Their Health (INDEPTH) is a global network of research centres that conduct longitudinal health and demographic evaluation of populations in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). INDEPTH aims to strengthen global capacity for Health and Demographic Surveillance Systems (HDSSs), and to mount multi-site research to guide health priorities and policies in LMICs, based on up-to-date scientific evidence. The data collected by the INDEPTH Network members constitute a valuable resource of population and health data for LMIC countries. The INDEPTH Data Repository aims to make well documented anonymised longitudinal microdata from these Centres available to data users. As of October 13, 2016 the Library contains 66 surveys, 3,181 citations, 1,396 variables.


IPUMS: Integrated Public Use Microdata Series, International

IPUMS-International is an effort to inventory, preserve, harmonize, and disseminate census microdata from around the world. The project has collected the world's largest archive of publicly available census samples. The data are coded and documented consistently across countries and over time to facillitate comparative research. IPUMS-International makes these data available to qualified researchers free of charge through a web dissemination system. As of 2016, 82 countries are included, based on 277 censuses and 614 million person records.



The MEASURE DHS website provides free resources, including all survey reports, further analysis publications, methodological information, and access to data visualization tools such as the STATcompiler.


QuantMig Online Tools 
QuantMig offers three freely-accessible, open online tools: The QuantMig Migration Estimates Explorer includes the probabilistic estimates of migration within, into and out of Europe, for the period 2009-2019, and integrating earlier estimates for 2002-2008. The QuantMig Migration Scenarios Explorer presents population and labour force indicators for 2020-2060. The DEMIG-QuantMig Policy Database documents over 7,600 migration policy changes enacted by 31 European countries in the period 1990-2020. The Open Data deposits related to these tools, as well as to other data collections produced within the project are also freely available for download from the QuantMig Community on Zenodo.


US Census Bureau International Data Base 

The International Data Base is a series of estimates and projections that provide a consistent set of demographic indicators, including population size and growth (by sex and single year of age up to 100 and over) and components of change (mortality, fertility and net migration) for more than 200 countries and areas. The current update provides revisions for 14 countries and areas, incorporating new data from censuses, surveys, and administrative records and new analyses.