Online courses and training tools


Machine Learning Tools for the Analysis of Migration Trajectories  
Online training organized by the IUSSP Scientific Panel on Lifetime Migration and the LIFELONGMOVE project as a hybrid course hald in Barcelona, Spain on 13 & 15 June 2023 in collaboration with the Centre for Demographic Studies at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. 

Trainers: Sergi Vidal, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain and Danilo Bolano, Bocconi University Carlo F. Dondena Centre for Research on Social Dynamics, Italy

  • The training consists of two sessions. The first session serves as an introduction to the sequence analysis toolbox, focusing on the examination of individual migration trajectories. In the second session, a machine learning approach – specifically feature selection models – is introduced. 


Extracting Spatial Data on Environment for Research

IUSSP online training workshop organized by the IUSSP Panel on Early Career Perspectives on 25 January 2023.

Trainer: Ankit Sikarwar, French Institute for Demographic Studies (INED), France

  • This short online training course is designed to enable the participants to understand and utilize various openly available international environmental data sources stemming from remote sensing.


Tools for Working with Migration Data in R

IPC2021 Training Session 206 - "Tools for Working with, Estimating and Visualising Migration Data in R" (10 December 2021)

Organized by the IUSSP Panel on International Migration: Strengthening the Knowledge Base for Policy.

Trainer: Guy Abel, Asian Demographic Research Institute, Shanghai University

  • This workshop provides an overview of some useful methods for measuring, estimating and visualising migration, and their implementation in R. Practical hands-on exercises will be provided for participants to gain some experience in using some of the functions illustrated. Some prior knowledge of R is necessary.


Introduction to Multistate Analysis of Population Dynamics

IPC2021 Countdown event training workshop organized by the IUSSP Early Career Taskforce on 3 December 2021.

Instructor: James O'Donnel, Lecturer at the School of Demography, Australian National University.

  • This online workshop provides a gentle introduction to multistate models and their applications in demographic research. It introduces the use of dynamic microsimulation to create life histories for individuals within synthetic cohorts. 


Geoprocessing and Spatial Analysis

IPC2021 Countdown event training workshop organized by the IUSSP Early Career Taskforce on 10 August 2021.

Instructor: JIgor Cavallini Johansen, Center for Environmental Studies and Research - NEPAM, University of Campinas, Brazil.

  • This online training is an introduction to the fundamental elements of the theory of geoprocessing and practice of spatial analysis. Examples from mortality, fertility and migration studies are presented. The aim is to expand the use of spatial data in demographic analysis by providing key spatial resources for research projects.


Spatial Data Integration for Demographic Research

Online Training materials and tutorial (English/Spanish)

By Landy Sanchez, CEDUA – COLMEX, and Susana B. Adamo, CIESIN - Columbia University, with the collaboration of Hector Leon, CEDUA – COLMEX. 

  • The goals of this online training are to review the fundamentals of spatial data integration, with an emphasis on remote sensing; present an overview of relevant datasets and services (platforms and tools); develop basic skills for linking demographic and environmental data; and expand the use of specialized sources.   

Support was provided by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.  


Introduction to Digital Demography

Lectures for the 2022 European Doctoral School of Demography (EDSD) in Barcelona,

by Diego Alburez, Research Scientist at the Laboratory of Digital and Computational Demography, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR).

  • In this course, participants will learn how traditional methods used in social sciences can help us make sense of new data sources, and how these new data sources may require new conceptual and methodological approaches.


Bayesian Subnational Estimation Using Complex Survey Data

Subnational Estimates of Child Mortality using Complex Survey Data

Lectures by Jon Wakefield and Richard Zehang Li, University of Washington.

  • Open source code to implement the method is publicly available for the R statistical computing environment as the SUMMER package. The training materials available on this page provide additional background, instruction, worked examples, and example code.  

Support was provided by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.  


Tools for Demographic Estimation

UNFPA/IUSSP Project on Demographic Estimation from Limited and Defective Data,

by a team based at the University of Cape Town.

  • This site represents the major output arising from a joint IUSSP and UNFPA project to produce a single volume containing updated tools for demographic estimation from limited, deficient and defective data.

Support was provided by UNFPA.  


Population Analysis for Policies and Programmes

UNFPA/IUSSP Initiative on Distance-based Training,

by a team at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM).

  • This course introduces users to the methods used by demographers to analyse population data, and the sources of this data and the methods used to collect this data. Throughout the course, students are introduced to the types of issues of interest to demographers through real examples. Included are sessions that introduce broad areas of research through discussion of both global and national trends and sessions that show how demographic methods may be used in researching a range of areas, such as reproductive health, morbidity and health profiles, and the effects of ageing on a population.

Support was provided by UNFPA.