Publications récentes des membres de l'UIESP

Cette page présente les dernières publications de nos membres (publiées au cours des 2 dernières années). Elles resteront en ligne pour une durée de 12 mois.


⇨ Conditions :

1)      La revue scientifique ou la maison d’édition de l’ouvrage devront être de bonne réputation.

2)      Seuls les livres et numéros spéciaux seront listés (pas les articles).

3)      Au moins un auteur devra être membre de l’UIESP au moment de la demande.


  Procédure : Les membres devront envoyer par email à la référence complète de leur livre ou du numéro spécial de revue, en incluant un lien vers l'éditeur ou la revue et, idéalement, une photo de couverture et un petit résumé. Si possible, demandez à l’éditeur d’offrir une réduction pour les membres.



Nouvelles publications des membres : 


Still Counting …: Anecdotal Memoirs of Demographer Krishnamurthy Srinivasan, Bohr Publishers, 2025


In this unique memoir, at the age of 90, Professor K. Srinivasan narrates events from various stages of his life in the form of short, engaging stories that had a significant impact on him and influenced his interests, particularly his professional directions and career choices. These stories, both amusing and poignant, offer valuable insights and guidance to people from all walks of life, especially younger generations, in navigating their professional paths and career options while gracefully accepting whatever comes their way. In the Afterword, he identifies key population challenges, or "ridges" as he calls them, that, if left unaddressed, pose risks to humankind. Written in a simple, easy-to-read language with illustrations, this light-hearted yet insightful book is tailored for young adults, older readers, and individuals from diverse backgrounds.


Purchase on Amazon.


Atlas de l'immigration marocaine à l'étranger: Dynamique, transition et diversité, Université Ibnou Zohr, 2025

Sous la direction de :


Le présent ouvrage revêt un double intérêt scientifique : d’abord, elle expose les diverses données statistiques publiées à propos d’une thématique précise et d’actualité. Ensuite, elle met en exergue les différentes problématiques géographiques des migrations internationales qui peuvent susciter l’intérêt des chercheurs en la matière. L’Atlas de l’immigration marocaine à l’étranger a été conçu et développé pour mettre l’accent sur le caractère évolutif de la présence migratoire marocaine à l’extérieur, tout en exposant les différentes facettes de transformation que connaissent ses diverses structures selon les pays d’accueil, et plus précisément dans les bassins migratoires les plus attractifs. Cet atlas s’articule autour de trois grands axes originaux : Le premier s’intéresse à situer la migration internationale marocaine globale dans l’espace mondial. Le deuxième axe expose les différents aspects de la dynamique, de la distribution et de la composition des migrants marocains internationaux installés en France, Espagne, Italie, Pays Bas, Allemagne, Canada et aux Etats Unis d’Amérique. Le troisième aborde les autres visages typiques de la migration marocaine dans le monde comme la migration des femmes, la mobilité des étudiants, la naturalisation, les transferts financiers des marocains résidant à l’étranger. Ce fascicule cartographique se compose de quarante-deux cartes, dix-neuf tableaux, soixante graphiques, un glossaire et des listes des organismes de la statistique, complété par les citations des documents spécialisés. Par ses qualités esthétiques et la richesse de sa documentation, par sa lisibilité et la fiabilité de ses sources, le présent atlas est une véritable référence géographique qui donne à la migration marocaine une vision plus dynamique et non pas réduite sous forme de statistiques figées.


Site web de l'Université Ibnou Zohr.


Global Settlement Dynamics: How People Inhabit the World, Wiley, 2024

Coordonné par :


There are currently over eight billion people on Earth: how did we arrive at the current distribution of humans on the planet? What shape is it taking, and how will it evolve? This book proposes an original answer to this, which is based on the explicit desire to place settlement at the heart of its questioning, by varying the level of analysis from global to local. After recalling how humans colonized the entire planet, this book presents their current distribution, which is predominantly urban. Population dynamics (birth rate, death rate and migration) are driving changes – including the demographic decline of certain regions – which are presented and explained from the angle of residential mobility and international migration, as well as the impact of ongoing climate change. Global Settlement Dynamics concludes with a discussion of the future of these settlements, based on data from the United Nations, and the question of the sustainability of human settlements on Earth.


Order online at


An Introduction to Population Studies – Global Perspective, Kendall Hunt, 2023

de : 


The orientation of An Introduction to Population Studies: Global Perspective is global; but also contains separate sections covering the demography of Canada in historical context. The book provides extensive references, illustrative figures, graphs, and data tables, offering a comprehensive overview of population studies as an interdisciplinary field. The book is suitable for introductory level social science courses in population.

Available for purchase at Kendall Hunt website.


Regulating Abortion: The Politics of U.S. Abortion Policy, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2024

de :

  • Deborah R. McFarlane, University of New Mexico (Etats-Unis)
  • Wendy L. Hansen, University of New Mexico (Etats-Unis)


Nearly one in four women in the United States undergoes an abortion during their life. In Regulating Abortion, Deborah R. McFarlane and Wendy L. Hansen uncover the history of the complex web of regulations surrounding abortion in the United States and shed light on the stark reality of this heavily regulated and politically divisive health care service. McFarlane and Hansen delve into the historical development of abortion regulations since Roe v. Wade. They explore the underlying reasons for the extensive regulation of what they assert is a routine and safe medical procedure. The authors examine the multitude of factors that influence state-level abortion policies, including party affiliation, religion, the representation of women in legislatures, and political contributions. By demonstrating how these factors shape the landscape of abortion regulation across different states, they reveal the varying methods and justifications used to either restrict or protect abortion access, with a particular focus on the disproportionate impacts on women of color. The recent landmark US Supreme Court decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization overturned long-standing precedents. McFarlane and Hansen provide timely insights into the implications of this ruling and how it further amplifies the disparities among states in regulating abortion. An essential resource for understanding the influences driving this divide, Regulating Abortion offers a comprehensive analysis of US abortion policy contextualized by relevant Supreme Court decisions and a comparative exploration of abortion regulation in Western Europe.

Purchase this book on the Johns Hopkins University Press website. The publisher has activated a  30% discount code for IUSSP members for the hardcover version of the book. Code HMCFAR can be applied at checkout on the Hopkins Press website and is valid until Sept 1st 2025. 


Enfance et famille au Mali. Trente ans d’enquêtes démographiques en milieu rural, Institut national d’études démographiques (INED), 2024

Sous la direction de :

  • Véronique Hertrich, Institut national d’études démographiques (France)
  • Olivia Samuel, Université Paris-Nanterre (France)

Cet ouvrage est le résultat de plus de trente ans d’enquêtes menées auprès de populations bwa au Mali, à la frontière du Burkina Faso, dans une zone majoritairement rurale et emblématique du contexte de l’Afrique sahélienne en pleine transition démographique et socioéconomique. Organisée en unités domestiques qui réunissent les personnes qui «travaillent et mangent ensemble», cette population met l’enfant au cœur d’un environnement familial où interviennent, dès la naissance, de multiples parents proches et plus éloignés. Quelle est la place de l’enfant aujourd’hui au sein de cette organisation familiale? Auprès de qui grandissent les filles et les garçons ? Dans quelle mesure les nouveaux comportements à l’égard des enfants influencent-ils la santé, l’enregistrement à l’état civil, la scolarisation et la mobilité ? L’originalité du dispositif d’enquêtes, qui mobilise de multiples données à la croisée de la démographie et de l’anthropologie, permet d’analyser les figures de la parenté et de l’enfance tels que les chiffres les mesurent et que la culture orale, à travers un corpus de contes, les représente. À la lueur des récents événements qui ont secoué le Mali, les résultats de cette recherche collective prennent d’autant plus de valeur qu’ils rendent compte des transformations, profondes et durables, que connaissent les populations de cette région.


Acheter l'ouvrage sur le site web de l'Institut national d’études démographiques (INED)


Human Evolutionary Demography, Open Book Publishers, 2024

Sous la direction de :

  • Oskar Burger, OMNI Institute (Etats-Unis)
  • Ronald Lee, University of California, Berkeley (Etats-Unis)
  • Rebecca Sear, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (Royaume-Uni)

Human evolutionary demography is an emerging field blending natural science with social science. This edited volume provides a much-needed, interdisciplinary introduction to the field and highlights cutting-edge research for interested readers and researchers in demography, the evolutionary behavioural sciences, biology, and related disciplines. By bridging the boundaries between social and biological sciences, the volume stresses the importance of a unified understanding of both in order to grasp past and current demographic patterns. Demographic traits, and traits related to demographic outcomes, including fertility and mortality rates, marriage, parental care, menopause, and cooperative behavior are subject to evolutionary processes. Bringing an understanding of evolution into demography therefore incorporates valuable insights into this field; just as knowledge of demography is key to understanding evolutionary processes. Human Evolutionary Demography introduces an emerging field in an accessible style. It is suitable for graduate courses in demography, as well as upper-level undergraduates. Its range of research is sure to be of interest to academics working on demographic topics (anthropologists, sociologists, demographers), natural scientists working on evolutionary processes, and disciplines which cross-cut natural and social science, such as evolutionary psychology, human behavioral ecology, cultural evolution, and evolutionary medicine. 
ISBN: 978-1-80064-170-9 (Paperback)


Read online or download for free or purchase printed editions.


Trayectorias y desigualdades sociales en el contexto mexicano. Una perspectiva longitudinal, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2023

Edited by:


The aim of the book is to outline the life course paradigm and the methodological approach of sequence analysis, applying it to various aspects of the family and work life of Mexicans during the second half of the 20th century and the first decade of the current century, and showing how social inequalities have shaped their lives. The book is the result of collective effort. It's content includes an initial chapter introducing the development of the life course perspective, the heuristic potential of sequence analysis, and its operationalization, serving as a framework for subsequent chapters, where family and work domains at different stages of individuals' life courses are studied. Trajectories of variations in individuals' social roles across the life course allowed to focus on how women and men of different birth cohorts and social strata experienced and participated in major transformations in Mexico. Results highlight the interplay between simultaneous trajectories in different life domains, emphasizing gender differences as a pervasive factor shaping life courses and shows how advantages and disadvantages in early ages, especially through varying durations of education, accumulate in labor and family trajectories, alongside generational changes. Data from retrospective and panel longitudinal surveys is used.

ISBN 978-607-30-7749-1


The book is available for purchase at the UNAM website (Mexican Peso $266, approx US$15). It is also freely available for download as PDF


Positive or negative? The effect of emerging technologies and products on mental health, Frontiers Media SA, 2023
Sous la direction de :

  • Chao Guo, Peking University (Chine)
  • Peige Song, Zhejiang University (Chine)
  • Aiping Fang, Sun Yat-sen University (Chine)
  • Stuart Gilmour, St. Luke’s International University (Japon)


In recent years, rapid advances in digital health technology, computing platforms, and the internet of things (IoT) have revolutionized the way we interact, communicate, and access information. This special issue presents a collection of nine articles that delve into the positive and negative effects of emerging technologies and products on mental health. These articles shed light on various aspects of the relationship between digital technology use and mental well-being. By exploring these multifaceted dimensions of the topic, this special issue deepened our understanding of how emerging technologies and products can impact mental health and provides valuable insights for researchers, clinicians, and policymakers in developing evidence-based interventions and promoting mental well-being in the digital age. The articles presented herein underscore the need for continued research, thoughtful policymaking, and responsible usage to strike a delicate balance between embracing technological progress and safeguarding our mental well-being.

ISBN 978-2-8325-3558-5


This publication is available in Open Access and can be downloaded as PDF or EPUB.


Health and Medical Geography in Africa – Methods, Applications and Development Linkages, Springer, 2023

Sous la direction de : 

  • Yemi Adewoyin, University of Nigeria & University of the Witwatersrand (Nigeria & Afrique du Sud)

Through its direct and indirect impacts on labour productivity, population health and wellbeing matter for the social and economic development of households and national economies. Yet, health is not uniform in space. And so is development. Comparatively on many health and development indicators, Africa fairs poorly. The variation in health may present as differences in the occurrence and spread of diseases, the distribution of and access to healthcare facilities, and/or in health outcomes among the population. Reasons for these variations range from biology to the population’s levels of exposure and susceptibility to elements in their environment, including the social interactions taking place within the environment. The field of health and medical geography focuses on the spatial patterns and processes underlying these variations and provides pathways for understanding and addressing them. More specifically, the sub-discipline of health and medical geography focuses on, among others, how places (their characteristics and processes that go on in them) and environmental factors underlie and/or influence disease patterns, exposure and susceptibility to diseases, health variations, health behaviour, health outcomes, and the provision of and access to healthcare services. This edited volume documents perspectives and applications in health and medical geography in Africa for academics, students, health practitioners, and development policymakers. Case studies discussed by 55 experts and practitioners in the 500-page book include those from Benin, Cameroon, Gabon, Ghana, Lesotho, Malawi, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, the EAC and SADC blocs, and the whole of Africa.

This publication is available on the Springer website.


Read the introductory chapter via ResearchGate.



Population Dynamics in the Mediterranean. A Demographic Convergence? Springer, 2023  
Par : 


This open access book makes a comparative overview of the demographic evolution of the Mediterranean populations. It addresses all the demographic issues since 1950 such as fertility, mortality, growth, demographic aging, and the age structure of the population. The book discusses the major demographic changes and its consequences for the Mediterranean region and describes the socio-economic and societal opportunities such as the silver economy, improvement in health of the population, and progress in education. By providing insights into the past demographic evolutions and analyzing the most recent indicators, this book constitutes an essential reference work for those who wish to better understand the major transformations that Mediterranean societies are undergoing.

Softcover ISBN: 978-3-031-37758-7   eBook ISBN: 978-3-031-37759-4

Cette publication est disponible en libre accès sur le site web de Springer.


India Population Report, Cambridge University Press, 2023 
Sous la direction de :

  • K. S. James, International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai (Inde)
  • T. V. Sekher, International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai (Inde)


India has become the largest populated country in the world in 2023 which has resulted in an increasing attention on India's population and its changing age structure, demo-graphic transitions, and their long-term implications. India Population Report is developed based on landmark surveys and research on population, health, ageing, fertility, nutrition, migration and women and children undertaken by the International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS), India. This volume studies various aspects of population and health issues in India providing a holistic narrative of the current scenario and future implications. By utilizing latest data and scientific evidence, chapters in this volume explain the achievements so far and examine the challenges ahead in respective fields, while identifying thrust areas for further research and action. Contributions to the volume come from leading and renowned research and data experts in the field, bringing together a cohesive, multifaceted work of immediate relevance. 
Online ISBN:9781009318846


Commander une copie sur le site de Cambridge University Press.



La odisea de las generaciones en México : de las historias de vida a los territorios, El Colegio de México, 2023  
Sous la direction de :   
•    María Eugenia Zavala de Cosío, El Colegio de Mexico (Mexique)  
•    Pascal Sebille, Université Rennes 2 (France)

Ce livre présente une vue d'ensemble des transformations de la société mexicaine du siècle dernier au XXIe, entre 1962 et 2017. Un panel international de premier plan a analysé les données de l'enquête démographique rétrospective de 2017 (EDER 2017).  À partir de ces données, les chapitres de cet ouvrage fournissent un large aperçu thématique des transformations récentes dans les dynamiques démographiques, de la famille, du travail et des migrations, grâce à l'application de nouvelles méthodes longitudinales.  Deux axes analytiques principaux guident la recherche : les inégalités sociales et les différences régionales, grâce à la taille importante de l'échantillon de l'EDER 2017. Un premier ouvrage, basé sur l'EDER 1998, avait mis en évidence les disparités entre le monde urbain et le monde rural ; un deuxième ouvrage, basé sur l'EDER 2011, avait mis l'accent sur les inégalités sociales dans les régions métropolitaines du pays. Dans ce troisième livre, les transformations générationnelles, de genre, démographiques, économiques et sociales sont mises en évidence, au sein de la mosaïque régionale où vivent les familles mexicaines. Cet ouvrage est destiné à être une clé pour comprendre la relation entre les biographies individuelles et les contextes historiques et spatiaux dans le Mexique contemporain.  
ISBN 978-607-564-455-4  

Commander une copie sur le site d'El Colegio de Mexico.


Mobilité et transports dans l'aire métropolitaine de Port-au-Prince. Volume 1: Regards croisés sur Canapé -Vert et Parc Industriel, 2023



Ce présent ouvrage paru sur la mobilité et les transports dans l’AMP, est le premier volume d’une série, qui s’appuie sur les données collectées dans le cadre d’un projet de thèse de doctorat. Il donne une vision des transports dans l’AMP et présente une projection de la demande de transport pour 2016, 2026 et 2030. Il permet d’exposer les nouvelles pratiques de mobilité des résidents de sept communes de cette agglomération. Ces aspects présentés dans le cadre de cette étude peuvent être considérés comme un pré - modèle de transport pouvant servir, après amélioration, comme un modèle de transport pour Haïti. De manière générale, cette recherche, basée sur une enquête menée en 2015, révélait l’origine et la destination de plus d’un millier d’individus se trouvant dans les ménages des zones de Canapé-Vert et du Parc Industriel. Les résultats de l’opération de terrain menée à partir de ces deux zones (Zones d’enquêtes), ont été extrapolés à l’AMP (Zone d’étude), ont permis d’avoir certaines informations importantes sur la mobilité dans l’AMP.


Cet ouvrage est disponible sur Amazon.



Introduction to Migration Studies, Anglo-Egyptian Bookshop, Cairo, 2023

De :

  • Ayman Zohry, Egyptian Society for Migration Studies (Egypte)


Introduction to Migration Studies is the first textbook in Arabic to introduce migration studies as a stand-alone social science discipline. The book includes nine chapters that can be regarded as an introductory academic course on migration (Migration 101 or 401 course). In addition to the first and the last chapters, each chapter provides thorough materials on a given topic. Topics introduced and discussed in the book include migration concepts and terminology, migration stock and flows, migration theories, migration policies, migration data collection methods, migration and demography, measuring migration, and migration and development.

ISBN 9789770534458


The book is available for purchase on the Anglo-Egyptian Bookshop website.


Understanding Human Life. A Methodological and Interdisciplinary Approach, Springer, 2022

De :

  • Daniel Courgeau, Institut National d’Études Démographiques - INED (France)


This book addresses the challenge of understanding human life. It compares our life experience with the attempts to grasp it by astrologers, eugenicists, psychologists, neuroscientists, social scientists, and philosophers. The main opposition among these specialties lies between understanding and misunderstanding. The book also addresses the central methodological difficulty of capturing a human life. It is first examined how certain approaches may lead to a misunderstanding of human life. The book contrasts the example of astrology—an accepted practice in ancient civilizations, but now classified among the pseudosciences—with astronomy, a full-fledged science since Galileo’s time. Another, more recent approach regards human life as predetermined by genes: the methods used by eugenicists, and later by political regimes under the name of hereditarianism, came to compete with genetics. A broader analysis shows how astrology and eugenicism are not truly scientific approaches. Next, the book looks at the ways of capturing an imaginary or real human life story. A comprehensive approach will try to fully understand their complexity, while a more explanatory approach considers only certain specific phenomena of human life. For example, demography studies only births, deaths, and migration. Another crucial factor in the collection of life histories is memory and its transmission. Psychology and psychoanalysis have developed different schools to try to explain them. The book concludes with a detailed discussion of the concepts and tools that have been proposed in more recent times for understanding the various aspects of life stories: mechanisms, systems, hermeneutics, and autonomy.

ISBN: 978-3-031-16143-8


Commandez l'ouvrage sur le site de Springer.

The Journal of Population and Sustainability, vol. 7, no. 1, January 2023, White Horse Press.

Sous la direction de :


The Journal of Population and Sustainability (JP&S) is an open access interdisciplinary journal published exploring all aspects of the relationship between human numbers and environmental issues. This issue's editorial introduction, by David Samways, is entitled "A Planet of 8 Billion and the Future of Humanity".  

Population and the Political Imagination: Census, Register and Citizenship in India, Routledge India, 2022

De :

  • Ram B. Bhagat, International Institute for Population Sciences (India)


This book identifies population as a central issue of polity and examines its links to ideas of state and citizenship. It explores the relationship between the state, citizenship and polity by reexamining processes related to census enumeration, population and citizen registers, and the politics of classificatory governmentality. Religion, ethnicity, caste and political class play a key role in determining community identities and the relationship between an individual and the state. Contextualizing the arguments and controversies around the Citizenship (Amendment) Act 2019 (CAA 2019) and the National Register of Citizens (NRC), the book examines the processes of inclusion or exclusion of minorities and migrants as citizens in India. It focusses on the classification of irregular and refugee migration since independence in India, especially in the state of Assam. The book highlights how political imagination, as a theoretical framework, shapes the processes and strategies for enumeration and classification and thereby the idea of citizenship. Underlining the relationship between instruments of government, political mobilization and the resurgence of communal polarization, it also offers suggestions for alternative constructions of citizenship and an inclusive state. This book will be useful for students and researchers of population studies, population geography, migration studies, sociology, political science, social anthropology, law and journalism. It will also be of interest to policy makers, journalists, as well as NGOs and CSOs.

ISBN: 9781003097785 (eBook)

Researching Internal Migration, Routledge India, 2022

De :

  • S. Irudaya Rajan, The International Institute of Migration and Development (India)
  • Ram B. Bhagat, International Institute for Population Sciences (India)


Researching Internal Migration is a comprehensive guide for researchers and professionals to study internal migration in developing and underdeveloped economies. This book explains key theoretical concepts related to migration; guides students and researchers on how to design surveys and the utility of census data; unravels the complexities of large data sets and their interpretation; includes techniques for indirect measurement; presents methodology for estimating remittances at the sub-national and national levels; acquaints the impact of migration during emergency situations or pandemics like COVID-19; offers perspectives and tools for evaluating the policy impact of migration.  Accessibly written, this book will be an essential theoretical and empirical guide for researchers in development studies, public policy, population studies, human geography and migration and diaspora studies.

ISBN: 9781003329572 (eBook)


Fertility Transition in the Developing World, Springer, 2022


  • John Bongaarts, The Population Council (Etats-Unis)
  • Dennis Hodgson, Fairfield University (Etats-Unis)

This open access book provides an overview and analysis of the causes and consequences of the massive and highly consequential transition in reproductive behaviour that occurred in Asia, Latin America, and Africa since the mid-20th century. In the 1950s contraceptive use was rare and women typically spend most of their reproductive years bearing and rearing children. By 2020 fertility and contraceptive use in Asia and Latin America reached levels commonly observed in the developed world. Africa’s fertility is still high, but transitions have started in all countries. This monograph is the first to provide a comprehensive analysis of these trends and their determinants, covering changes in reproductive behaviour (e.g., use of contraception and abortion), preferences (e.g., desire to limit and space births) and the role of socioeconomic development (e.g., education). The role of government policies and in particular family planning programs is discussed in depth. Particular attention is given to provide a balanced assessment of several political and scientific controversies that have beset the field. As such this book provides an interesting read for a wide audience of undergraduate and graduate students, researchers, and public health policy makers.

ISBN: 978-3-031-11839-5    ISBN (eBook): 978-3-031-11840-1 


Ce livre est un livre en libre accès et peut être téléchargé gratuitement en entier ou par chapitre sur le site de Springer.



Populations, peuplement et territoires en France, Armand Colin, 2022

Sous la direction de :


Populations, peuplement et territoires : ces trois termes sont très liés entre eux. C’est donc en questionnant leurs interactions en France que ces notions de populations, peuplement et territoires sont appréhendées dans cet ouvrage. Trois grilles de lecture différentes de ces interactions sont proposées. Dans la première partie, l’accent est mis sur les populations, leurs caractéristiques et leurs évolutions en considérant différentes échelles de territoires. La deuxième partie est centrée sur le peuplement et propose une analyse de la distribution spatiale dans les territoires français. Enfin, la troisième partie détaille les façons dont les territoires déterminent ou accompagnent les évolutions des populations et les dynamiques de peuplement. Les chapitres, rédigés dans un souci didactique, s’appuient sur les données les plus récentes, et sont enrichis par des cartes, encadrés, figures et tableaux et, enfin, par une bibliographie. Cet ouvrage est complété par un chapitre annexe détaillant les recommandations des jurys pour les épreuves écrites et orales, par un lexique et un riche index géographique (plus de 500 références). L’ensemble de cet ouvrage dresse aussi un panorama complet de la géographie et des dynamiques des populations des territoires de la France métropolitaine et des outre-mer, saisis dans leur diversité, à diverses échelles. Et il propose des analyses prospectives qui permettent de mieux comprendre le présent en interrogeant le futur.

ISBN 978‐2‐200‐63234‐2


Acheter l'ouvrage (imprimé ou numérique) sur le site web de Dunot.


Lire la table des matières ou acheter une version numérique sur le site de CAIRN.


Le système éducatif en Afrique francophone. Défis et opportunités. Observatoire de la Francophonie Economique, Université de Montréal, 2022

Sous la Direction de :

  • Brahim Boudarbat, Université de Montréal (Canada)
  • Ahmadou Aly Mbaye, Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar (Sénégal)
  • Youmanli Ouoba. Université Thomas Sankara (Burkina Faso)

Avec la précieuse collaboration de Pierre Loty, Centre d’Etudes et de Recherche sur les Analyses et Politiques Economiques au Cameroun - CERAPE (Cameroun)  


L’éducation et la formation professionnelle (EFP) constituent un élément important qui permet d’acquérir des compétences et expériences pertinentes au développement de l’individu et de la société. Ainsi, l’EFP est fondamentale pour améliorer la productivité des individus (Becker, 1964) et assurer à long terme la croissance économique (Lucas, 1988). Toutefois, dans les pays en développement en général et en Afrique francophone en particulier, d’énormes efforts restent à consentir pour faire de l’EFP un droit fondamental pour tous au sens de l’objectif du développement durable (ODD) N°4. Ce défi reste entier et d’actualité surtout dans ce nouvel ordre mondial où la COVID-19 a révélé surtout les vulnérabilités de l’EFP mais également les opportunités sur les approches d’EFP du futur. L’objectif de cet ouvrage est de faire un état des lieux de la situation de l’éducation et de la formation des enfants, des jeunes et des femmes, ainsi que des politiques éducatives et de développement des compétences en Afrique francophone en vue de formuler des recommandations de politiques pertinentes aux décideurs des secteurs publics et privés, aux organisations non gouvernementales, etc. Plusieurs thématiques sont analysées selon des disciplines et des contextes variés avec la contribution de nombreux auteurs et autrices de différents pays.

ISBN 978-2-981930-5-4


Version PDF de l'ouvrage.


Research Handbook on International Migration and Digital Technology, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2021


Sous la direction de :


This forward-looking Research Handbook showcases cutting-edge research on the relationship between international migration and digital technology. It sheds new light on the interlinkages between digitalisation and migration patterns and processes globally, capturing the latest research technologies and data sources. Featuring international migration in all facets from the migration of tech sector specialists through to refugee displacement, leading contributors offer strategic insights into the future of migration and mobility. Covering diverse geographies and using interdisciplinary approaches, contributions provide new analysis of migration futures. A discrete chapter on digital technology and COVID-19 global pandemic offers reflections on how migration and mobility are being profoundly reshaped by the global pandemic. The practical applications and limitations of digital technology in relation to international migration are also highlighted and supported with key case studies. Analytical yet accessible, this Research Handbook will be an invaluable resource for students and scholars in the fields of migration and digital technology, while also being of benefit to policy makers and civil society actors specialising in migration.

ISBN: 978 1 83910 060


International Handbook of Population Policies, Springer, 2022

Sous la direction de :

  • John F. May, George Mason University (Etats-Unis)
  • Jack A. Goldstone, George Mason University (Etats-Unis)


This Handbook offers an array of internationally recognized experts’ essays that provide a current and comprehensive examination of all dimensions of international population policies. The book examines the theoretical foundations, the historical and empirical evidence for policy formation, the policy levers and modelling, as well as the new policy challenges. The section Theoretical Foundations reviews population issues today, population theories, the population policies’ framework as well as the linkages between population, development, health, food systems, and the environment. The next section Empirical Evidence discusses international approaches to design and implement population policies on a regional level. The section Policy Levers and Modelling reviews the tools and the policy levers that are available to design, implement, monitor, and measure the impact of population policies. Finally, the section New Policy Challenges examines the recurrent and emerging issues in population policies. This section also discusses prospects for demographic sustainability as well as future considerations for population policies. As such this Handbook provides an important and structured examination of contemporary population policies, their evolution, and their prospects.

Series ISSN1877-9204



Biodemography: An Introduction to Concepts and Methods, Princeton University Press in 2020


Professor James Carey at the University of California, Davis, and his co-author Professor Deborah Roach at the University of Virginia, have released the book Biodemography: An Introduction to Concepts and Methods (2020, Princeton University Press) with a Foreword by James Vaupel. Carey has developed over 170 scripted, closed-captioned videos of complementary lectures to the book, available on this Berkeley Population Sciences webpage ( ). The 11-chapter book covers all of the major areas of demography from Lexis diagrams, life tables, and mortality models to stable population theory, age-stage models and applied demography (in both humans and non-human species). The chapter on human demography not only contains fresh perspectives on much of the standard topics such as development stages, reproduction, lifespan, mortality and health demography, but also includes concepts on the evolution of the family not found in other demography texts. The section on family demography uses Charles Darwin’s 12-member family to illustrate the basic family model. The Carey-Roach book is the first true synthesis of biological and classic demography and, this video series is the first time an author of a demography book has recorded video mini-lectures on the contents of their entire book.

The Oxford Handbook of Atrocity Crimes, 2022  

Sous la direction de : 

  • Barbora Holá, Vrije University Amsterdam (Netherlands)
  • Hollie Nyseth Nzitatira, The Ohio State University (United States)
  • Maartje Weerdesteijn, Vrije University Amsterdam (Netherlands)


The Oxford Handbook on Atrocity Crimes consolidates and further develops the evolving field of atrocity studies by combining major mono-, inter-, and multidisciplinary research on atrocity crimes in one volume encompassing contributions of leading scholars. Atrocity crimes—war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide—are manifestations of large-scale and systematic criminality committed within specific political, ideological, and societal contexts. These crimes are typically committed by multiple actors against a large number of victims who suffer far-reaching consequences. Scholars studying mass atrocities are scattered not only across disciplines—such as international (criminal) law, international relations, criminology, political science, psychology, sociology, history, anthropology, and demography—but also across the topic-related fields, which are by definition multi- and interdisciplinary but are typically limited to a particular category or aspect of atrocity crimes. This Handbook brings together these strands of scholarship and interrogates atrocity crimes as an overarching category of criminality, while simultaneously recognizing and theorizing differences among the individual constitutive categories. The Handbook covers topics related to the etiology and causes of atrocities, the actors involved, the victims of atrocity crimes and related harms, the reactions to atrocity crimes, and in-depth case studies of understudied situations of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide.

ISBN: 9780190915629


Diffusion des taxis-motos dans l’aire métropolitaine de Port-au-Prince : paradoxe et controverse, Editions Henri Deschamps, 2022


Vers les années quatre-vingt-dix-sept, un nouveau moyen de transport, les taxis-motos, fait son arrivée dans le transport public en Haïti. Dans l’Aire métropolitaine de Port-au-Prince et ses communes avoisinantes, son apparition marque le début d’une véritable concurrence avec les autres moyens de transports traditionnels (tap-tap ou camionnette, taxis, bus, mini-bus,camion) en raison de l'explosion démographique, l’urbanisation anarchique et la crise générale de paupérisation de la population. Cet ouvrage est une contribution à la réflexion sur la mobilité dans les PED, et un appel à la régulation de l’activité des 2-3 RM dont on doit conserver les effets positifs tout en atténuant les impacts négatifs. Il est écrit dans le but de valoriser certaines données dans le cadre d’un projet de thèse de doctorat. Ce livre accorde une large place aux résultats de nos deux premières enquêtes de terrain réalisées en 2015 et 2016 puis se divise en deux parties. Il a contribué à la création de cartes illustrant les plans de transport des communes composant l’AMP et la localisation des points de stationnements des taxis-motos. 


Article dans Le Nouvelliste

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The Journal of Population and Sustainability, Vol 6, No 1, 2022, White Horse Press.

Sous la direction de :


The Journal of Population and Sustainability (JP&S) is an open access interdisciplinary journal published exploring all aspects of the relationship between human numbers and environmental issues. The journal publishes both peer reviewed and invited material. It is intended that the JP&S act as an interdisciplinary hub facilitating collaboration and furthering the development of the field. While generously supported by environmental charity Population Matters, the JP&S is entirely editorially independent and welcomes contributions from scholars with a variety of perspectives on the role of population in environmental problems. 


Download the issue or read some of the articles.

Read the Press Release.

Impacts psycho-socioéconomiques de la pandémie Covid-19 et du confinement en afrique subsaharienne, L'Harmattan, 2022

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Au cours de son existence, tout individu est confronté à un certain nombre d’événements qu’il peut percevoir comme menaçants. Ces derniers, mineurs ou majeurs (deuil, séparation, divorce, naissance d’un enfant, changement d’emploi, promotion), induisent des perturbations émotionnelles sur le sujet qui essaie d’y faire face. La résilience d’un individu est sa capacité à résister à des chocs qui pourraient impacter son équilibre psychique ou l’organisation sociale dans son ensemble. Inédite, la crise sanitaire du Covid-19 est l’occasion de faire certaines observations in vivo pour les chercheurs. En effet, l’actuelle pandémie de coronavirus constitue une réalité particulière et inhabituelle. Les mesures mises en place pour faire obstacle à la propagation du virus telles que les recommandations de confinement, la distanciation sociale, les modifications des conditions de travail, le port du masque, bouleversent les codes sociaux. Elles affectent tant au niveau personnel que collectif, au niveau physique que psychologique. Comment de nombreux individus vivent-ils ces situations de stress et/ou d’anxiété ? C’est la problématique que nous développons dans cet ouvrage.

ISBN : 978-2-343-24247-7 


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Impacts psycho-socioéconomiques de la pandémie Covid-19 et du confinement au Maghreb, L'Harmattan, 2022

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La crise sanitaire du Covid-19 vient bouleverser le monde en provoquant un impact économique sans précédent depuis la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Afin d’atténuer la propagation de cette pandémie, plusieurs gouvernements se sont trouvés obligés d’appliquer des mesures strictes telles que le confinement et la distanciation sociale. Ces mesures ne sont pas sans conséquences sur l’économie et la psychologie de la population. Au début de la pandémie, l’implication de l’Etat Marocain était globalement satisfaisante. Cette intervention a permis d’éviter le pire aux niveaux sanitaire, économique et social. Depuis le 20 mars 2020, le Maroc a annoncé en urgence le début du confinement, une interdiction des rassemblements, une fermeture des frontières et l’encouragement du télétravail. Ces mesures avaient comme but de limiter la propagation du virus. 

ISBN : 978-2-343-24248-4 


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Migrants, Mobility and Citizenship in India, Routledge India, 2021

Sous la direction de :

  • Ashwani Kumar, Tata Institute for Social Sciences, Mumbai (India)
  • R. B. Bhagat, International Institute for Population Sciences (India)


This book reconceptualises migration studies in India and brings back the idea of citizenship to the center of the contested relationship between the state and internal migrants in the country. It interrogates the multiple vulnerabilities of disenfranchised internal migrants as evidenced in the mass exodus of migrants during the COVID-19 crisis. Challenging dominant economic and demographic theories of mobility and relying on a wide range of innovative heterodox methodologies, this volume points to the possibility of reimagining migrants as ‘citizens’. The volume discusses various facets of internal migration such as the roles of gender, ethnicity, caste, electoral participation of the internal migrants, livelihood diversification, struggle for settlement, and politics of displacement, and highlights the case of temporary, seasonal, and circulatory migrants as the most exploited and invisible group among migrants. Presenting secondary and recent field data from across regions, including from the northeast, the book explores the processes under which people migrate and suggests ways for ameliorating the conditions of migrants through sustained civic and political action. This book will be essential for scholars and researchers of migration studies, politics, governance, development studies, public policy, sociology, and gender studies as well as policymakers, government bodies, civil society, and interested general readers.  

ISBN 9781032203294 (Hardcover) ISBN 9780367765477 (eBook)  


Order a copy from Routledge.



Special Issue on New Demographic Directions in Forced Migrant and Refugee Research, Journal on Migration and Human Security (JMHS), Volume 9 Issue 3, September 2021

Guest Editors:


This special collection aims to advance forced migrant and refugee research. It considers refugee resettlement and integration in the United States within the broader framework of the literature on migrant integration and reflects on the role that population research can play in promoting successful and healthy refugee resettlement in the United States. Articles in this special collection also explore the ethical challenges of forced migration research, humanitarian work with children and adolescents, the resilience of forced migrant communities, the value of computer modeling for human migration and health, demographic methods for estimating and forecasting migration, and research priorities for US refugees and refugee communities.


Table of contents.

Download the articles of the special issue.



The Routledge Handbook of African Demography, Routledge, 2022

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This handbook provides an authoritative and comprehensive overview of African population dynamics, variations, causes and consequences, demonstrating the real-world applications of research in policies and programmes. African demography has come of age. Over 50 years, the discipline has grown exponentially in the number of training and research institutions, specialist experts and academic output, all with an aim of addressing the enormous demographic challenges faced by the continent. The book draws on old and emerging analytical tools to explore the relationships between population dynamics and social, economic, cultural and political environments from African perspectives. Key topics include fertility, sexual behaviours, healthcare, ageing, mortality, migration, displacement, the causes and consequences of demographic changes, and teaching and research developments in African demography. The Routledge Handbook of African Demography will be an essential resource for students and researchers of African demography, sociology, development, and cultural studies.

ISBN 9780367253288


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Immigration in the Global Era: Migrants and the People and Laws at Origin and Destination, Frontiers in Sociology, 2021

Edited by:

  • Guillermina Jasso, New York University (United States)
  • Moshe Semyonov, Tel Aviv University (Israel)


The world of migration is a vast and diverse landscape. The 17 articles in this collection cover every step in the migration process, from origin to destination and beyond, as migrants in a variety of streams – temporary and permanent; labor, family, and refugee; of diverse countries, backgrounds, and aspirations – find help and hindrance, welcome and opposition from a wide swath of nonmigrants and immigration officials. Scholarly topics include self-selection and government-selection, into legal status and residential location; determinants of prejudice; integration and naturalization; children and subsequent descendants of migrants; impacts of law and contexts of reception. The articles traverse theory and empirics, micro and macro matters, qualitative and quantitative approaches, cross-sectional and longitudinal perspectives, single-country and multi-country settings.


This special issue is open access.  All 17 articles plus the introductory Editorial can be downloaded as pdfs.


Méthodes de mesure de la mobilité spatiale. Migrations internes, mobilité temporaire, navettes, INED, 2021


  • Daniel Courgeau, Institut national d’études démographiques (France)
  • Guillaume Le Roux, Institut national d’études démographiques (France)
  • Célio Sierra-Paycha, Université Paris I (France)


La première édition cet ouvrage date de 1988 et s’était faite dans un contexte où les méthodes d’analyse et de mesure de la mobilité spatiale connaissaient un important regain d’intérêt, notamment de la part des gouvernements, lié à l’importance des changements dans la répartition spatiale des populations, et notamment de leur incidence sur les structures économiques et sociales. Une réimpression enrichie d’une nouvelle présentation s’imposait plus de 35 ans après, tant cet outil s’avère indispensable aujourd’hui, pour tout chercheur qui travaille sur les mobilités spatiales et les migrations. Concepts, présentation et analyse des sources, qu’elles soient directes (registres, recensements…) ou indirectes (estimations, autres statistiques…), définitions synthétiques des indices et des taux et démonstrations pratiques de leur utilisation, méthodes de calcul et estimations des flux, composent ce manuel pratique et offrent un panorama méthodologique particulièrement complet. Les phénomènes migratoires ont aujourd’hui une ampleur et une complexité inédites. Pour mieux les comprendre et les analyser, l’apport de méthodes quantitatives ayant fait leur preuves s’avère d’autant plus nécessaire.

ISBN  9782733220092 (version papier) ; ISBN 9782733260449 (ePub) ; ISBN 9782733260456 (pdf)  


Commander l'ouvrage sur le site de l'INED.

Production of a Vital Statistics Report: Guide (Revision 1), Vital Strategies, UNECA, UNESCAP, and Statistics Norway, 2020.

15 contibuteurs, dont: 

  • Helge Brunborg, Statistics Norway (Norvège)
  • Petra Nahmias, United Nations (Etats-Unis)
  • Tim Adair, University of Melbourne (Australie)
  • Philip Setel, Vital Strategies (Etats-Unis)
  • Farnaz Malik, Vital Strategies (Etats-Unis)


The Guide provides important background information for using the Template, which contains notes and table shells to complete a vital statistics report. Finally, the accompanying Workbook can assist in the calculation of measures and indicators and in the production of tables and figures for the report. In countries with low registration of vital events, producing a vital statistics report can help encourage increased investment for strengthening the existing civil registration system.


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Démographie et émergence économique de l’Afrique subsaharienne, Académie royale de Belgique, 2020


  • John F. May , George Mason University (United States).
  • Jean-Pierre Guengant , Institute de Recherche pour le Développement (France)


Environ 35 ans après les autres pays moins développés, les niveaux élevés de mortalité et de fécondité des 48 pays d’Afrique subsaharienne (ASS) ont commencé à baisser. Le démarrage tardif de la transition démographique dans la région, son rythme lent et le maintien d’une croissance démographique supérieure à 2,5% par an pendant plus de 50 ans font de la transition démographique de l’ASS un phénomène unique en comparaison des autres transitions observées ailleurs dans le monde.


Avec le début de la baisse de la fécondité et les meilleures performances économiques de l’ASS entre 2000 et 2014, de nombreux pays d’ASS ont pensé qu’ils seraient capables de capter un premier dividende démographique et de devenir des économies émergentes – un processus que nombre de pays d’Asie de l’Est et du Sud-Est ont réalisé entre 1970 et 2000. Les données disponibles pour l’ASS indiquent au contraire que sa forte croissance démographique depuis les années 1960 a eu des effets négatifs sur la croissance de son PIB par tête. Par ailleurs, il n’y a actuellement que quatorze pays de l’ASS, représentant 20% de la population de l’ASS, qui remplissent les conditions initiales nécessaires pour bénéficier d’un premier dividende démographique. Malheureusement, la pandémie du Covid-19 va gravement compromettre les perspectives économiques de l’ASS.


Ce livre analyse les défis que les pays de l’ASS devront affronter pour répéter le miracle économique de l’Asie de l’Est et du Sud-Est. À ce jour, la majorité des pays d’ASS sont à une phase critique de leur développement. En effet, les prochaines décennies détermineront si, oui ou non, les pays de l’ASS seront en mesure d’accélérer leur transition démographique, de capter un premier dividende démographique et de devenir des économies émergentes.

ISBN 978-2-8031-0754-4 / 978-2-8031-0755-1 (e-book)

(Ce livre est aussi disponible en anglais)


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Impact of alcohol on mortality in Eastern Europe: Trends and policy responsesin Drug & Alcohol Review, Special Section, Volume 39 Issue 7, November 2020.


Guest Editors:

  • Domantas Jasilionis, Max Planck Institute fr Demographic Research (Germany)
  • A. Leon, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (United Kingdom)
  • Robin Room (Centre for Alcohol Policy Research at La Trobe University, (Australia)


Within the global context, Eastern Europe has been repeatedly identified as the area with the highest levels of alcohol ‐ related health harms. Although the Berlin Wall fell in 1989, and the Soviet Union collapsed soon afterwards, alcohol ‐ related mortality in Eastern Europe remains far higher than in Western Europe. However, despite the high burden of alcohol harm and mortality in Eastern Europe, with the partial exception of Russia, relatively little is known about the country ‐ specific impact of alcohol on health and mortality and the various policy responses to it. In response to this, an international symposium was held in Vilnius, Lithuania in June 2017 entitled  Persisting burden of alcohol in Central and Eastern Europe: recent evidence and measurement issues.  This special section of  Drug and Alcohol Review  is based on a selection of the papers presented at this symposium, providing for the first time a broad overview of the problem of alcohol ‐ related mortality in a diverse range of Eastern European countries linked to a description and analysis of alcohol control initiatives that have been developed. While there is strong evidence of the influence of history, culture and education across European countries having a profound and persistent effect on differences in drinking patterns and preferences, there is, nevertheless, evidence that effective policy responses have been mounted in a range of countries. (Read more )


Press release 


Migration and Urban Transition in India   
A Development Perspective,

Published July 15, 2020 by Routledge India 

Edited By

R. B. Bhagat, International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai

Archana K. Roy, International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai

Harihar Sahoo, International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai


Migration has emerged as an important issue in contemporary global politics and in the discourse around human development. This book highlights the role of migration in socioeconomic development and its interdependence with urbanization, employment, labour and industry.

This volume identifies the challenges which migration and the subsequent dynamism in population and spatial parameters pose to land-use patterns, ecology, social politics and international relations. Through a study of migration patterns and trends in different parts of India, this collection analyzes the relationship of migration with social and occupational mobility, poverty and wealth indices, inequality, distribution of resources and demographic change. It also explores policy measures and frameworks which can bring migration into the fold of national development strategies.

Timely and comprehensive, the book underscores the importance of migration and urbanization, sustainability and inclusivity to economic growth and development. It will be an essential read for scholars and researchers of migration studies, political studies, sociology, urban studies, development studies and political sociology.

ISBN 9780367722425 (Hardcover) ISBN 9780429298356 (eBook) 



Migration from the Newly Independent States. 25 Years After the Collapse of the USSR, Springer, 2020

Sous la direction de :

  • Mikhail Denisenko, National Research University “Higher School of Economics” (NRU-HSE) (Russie)
  • Salvatore Strozza, University of Naples Federico II (Italie)
  • Matthew Light, University of Toronto (Canada)


This book discusses international migration in the newly independent states after the collapse of the Soviet Union, which involved millions of people. Written by authors from 15 countries, it summarizes the population movement over the post-Soviet territories, both within the newly independent states and in other countries over the past 25 years. It focuses on the volume of migration flows, the number and socio-demographic characteristics of migrants, migration factors and the situation of migrants in receiving countries. The authors, who include demographers, economists, geographers, anthropologists, sociologists and political scientists, used various methods and sources of information, such as censuses, administrative statistics, the results of mass sample surveys and in-depth interviews. This heterogeneity highlights the multifaceted nature of the topic of migration movements.


ISBN 978-3-030-36074-0 (hardcover)  ISBN 978-3-030-36075-7 (eBook)


Commander l'ouvrage sur le site de Springer.

Comparative Demography of the Syrian Diaspora: European and Middle Eastern Destinations, Springer, 2020.

Sous la direction de : 

  • Elwood D. Carlson, Florida State University (Etats Unis)
  • Nathalie E. Williams, University of Washington (Etats Unis) 


This book provides a demographic profile of the Syrian diaspora into Europe and identifies the issue of forced migration as a separate and increasingly salient topic within the more general field of migration research.  It describes the progressive increase in numbers of Syrian refugees in different European countries during recent years and gives a demographic profile of the Syrian refugee population.  The book also compares and synthesizes the demographic profiles presented, to show how the population of Syrian refugees differs from country to county in terms of age structure, sex ratio, family status, educational attainment and other social and economic characteristics. By providing a solid empirical portrait based on national and international statistics, this book will be a great resource to students, academics in migration and refugee studies as well as social scientists and policy-makers in European countries.


ISBN 978-3-030-24450-7 (Hardcover)    ISBN 978-3-030-24451-4 (eBook)


Commander l'ouvrage sur le site de Springer.


Population: An Introduction to Concepts and Issue, 13th edition, Cengage, 2021

De :


Populations are constantly changing and evolving, and each successive edition of this book has aimed to keep up with demographic trends and the explanations for them. Thus, every chapter of this current edition has been revised for recency, relevancy, reliability, and readability. At the same time, the teaching and learning environment has changed substantially over the years, and in this edition, I have responded to calls from users of the book to reorganize material and reduce the number of chapters so that everything of vital importance can be readily covered in even a relatively short academic term. This edition has only 10 chapters, rather than the 12 chapters in the previous edition, but all of the really good stuff is still in here.

ISBN10: 0-357-36057-5    ISBN13: 978-0-357-36057-6


Commander l'ouvrage sur le site de Cengage.

Population, Fertility and Family Planning: Contraceptive Method Mix in Asian Countries, Rawat Publications, 2019

De :

  • Aditi Kundu, Jawaharlal Nehru University (Inde)
  • Bhaswati Das, Jawaharlal Nehru University (Inde)


Asia is having more than 61 per cent of world population and is a major contributor of world population growth. However, there exists a wide range of variation in the size of population and levels of fertility. The continent has both countries with the lowest and highest fertility. The family planning programmes are of extreme importance in the population planning of Asian countries. Is choice of contraceptive an individual couple’s decision? What is the role of government in shaping the availability of contraceptives in a particular country? How method mix changes with spatio-temporal context of a country? Population, Fertility, and Family Planning is an attempt to address several such issues. The book, based on secondary data on Asian countries, has divided the discussion for low, medium and high fertility countries. It tries to throw light in the trajectory of family planning of 38 Asian countries through the lens of contraceptive method mix. Broadly, the study aims at looking into the history of family planning for each of the selected countries and determining how the government or the state intervenes to shape the contraceptive method mix in its region. The choice of contraceptive use by a couple is a complex phenomenon that depends on a variety of factors. The study further explores how government policies manipulate immediate factors and indirectly guide a couple’s choice of contraceptive. The book will interest researchers, demographers, policy makers, sociologists and various governmental and non-governmental agencies involved in population control.

ISBN 9788131610978


Commander l'ouvrage sur le site de Rawat Publications.

Biodemography: An Introduction to Concepts and Methods, Princeton University Press, 2020.

De :

  • James R. Carey, University of California, Davis (Etats-Unis)
  • Deborah A. Roach, University of Virginia (Etats-Unis)


Biodemography is a new field anchored in formal demography that unites the natural science of biology with the social science of human demography. This book is an essential resource for demographers and gerontologists as well as for ecologists and population biologists. The authors note that whereas classical demography is framed largely around the life history of humans with a small number of overlapping singleton births, long developmental periods, biparental care, and extended longevity, the life histories of the vast majority of non-human species depart from the human demographic model. This creates challenges for “off-the-shelf” applications of conventional demographic models (e.g., life tables; stable theory) to population analyses of non-human species. However it also presents a wealth of opportunities for developing new demographic concepts such as methods for estimating population age structure when the ages of individuals are unknown or for the development of a hierarchical demography with models designed to consider two or more levels of individualism (e.g., social insects with individuals at one level and the colony as a superorganism at another). The authors use a plethora of real-world examples that draw from data sets on humans and on nonhuman species and offer an interdisciplinary approach to demography like no other, with topics ranging from the parity progression tables for fruit flies and elephant population culling to the demographic analysis of Charles Darwin’s 10-child family and the comparative risks of first class passengers and crew members on the Titanic. The book includes chapters on the biodemographic basics such as rates, Lexis diagrams and cohort concepts, as well as on life tables, mortality, reproduction, population theory and applications. It includes a unique stand-alone chapter on human demography with content often omitted in conventional texts such as kinship, lifespan and the evolution of the family. It contains nearly 90 informative “biodemographic shorts,” appendices on data visualization and management, and nearly 200 illustrations of models and equations. It is the first true synthesis of demography and biology. 

ISBN: 9780691129006


Commander l'ouvrage sur le site de Princeton University Press

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Family Demography and Post-2015 Development Agenda in Africa, Springer, 2020.

Sousla direction de :


This book is a comprehensive analysis of the structure, determinants and consequences of changes in sub-Saharan African families, thereby representing an Afrocentric description of the emerging trends. It documents various themes in the sub-disciplines of family demography. The first section of the book focuses on philosophical understanding of African family, its theoretical perspectives, and comparative analysis of family in the 20th and 21st centuries. The second section covers family formation, union dissolution, emerging trend in single parenthood, and adolescents in the family. The following section describes types, determinants and consequences of African family changes: health, childbearing, youth development, teen pregnancy and family violence and the last chapter provides systematic evidence on existing laws and policies governing African family structure and dynamics. As such it illustrates the importance of family demography in African demographic discourse and will be an interesting read to scholars and students in the field of demography, social workers, policy makers, departments of Social Development in countries in Africa and relevant international agencies and all those interested in understanding the African family trajectory. 


ISBN: 978-3-030-14886-7 (hardcover) ISBN: 978-3-030-14887-4 (eBook)


Commander l'ouvrage sur le site de Springer.

Dividende démographique et développement durable. Fondements théoriques et modèles normatifs (2 tomes), Harmattan Sénégal, 2019

Sous la direction de :


Préface d'Andrew Mason et Ronald Lee - Postface de Mabingue Ngom. Cet ouvrage consacre l'élargissement des connaissances sur l'interaction entre la population et l'économie dans le monde et particulièrement en Afrique. De manière plus précise, il met en exergue le rôle potentiel de l'optimisation du dividende démographique dans l'amélioration des perspectives de développement des pays en voie de développement. L'objectif principal est de proposer un modèle normatif ainsi que des outils et méthodes appropriées à l'élaboration de politiques multisectorielles efficaces visant à améliorer le bien-être des populations.


ISBN : 978-2-343-17642-0  (Tome 1) et 978-2-343-17643-7 (Tome 2)


Commander l'ouvrage (en 2 volumes) ou une version PDF sur le site de L'Harmattan

Dividende démographique et développement durable au Sénégal. Le développement sous un nouveau prisme (2 tomes), Harmattan Sénégal, 2019

De :


Cet ouvrage propose un changement paradigmatique, après que les nombreuses politiques de développement ont manqué à la promesse de la prospérité partagée dans les pays en développement. Son ambition est d'accompagner efficacement les gouvernants par une simplification des méthodes, en leur proposant des outils adaptés à l'élaboration de politiques multisectorielles. Titulaire d'un doctorat en Economie de l'Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar et spécialiste en économie générationnelle, Latif Dramani est professeur d'Economie à l'université de Thiès et coordinateur du Centre de recherche en Economie Appliquée de Thiès (CREFAT).

ISBN 978-2-343-16187-7 (Vol 1) et 978-2-343-16188-4 (Vol 2)


Commander l'ouvrage (en 2 volumes) ou une version PDF sur le site de L'Harmattan

Time Use and Transfers in the Americas. Producing, Consuming, and Sharing Time Across Generations and Genders, Springer, 2019

Sous la direction de :

  • B. Piedad Urdinola, Universidad Nacional de Colombia-Bogotá (Colombie)
  • Jorge A. Tovar, Universidad de los Andes (Colombie)


This book provides a comparison of the measurement in time and monetary units of unpaid domestic work in Colombia, Costa Rica, Uruguay, and the Hispanic ethnicity in the United States. A standardized technique allows the development of comparable estimates across countries per age and gender which reveal specific behavioral patterns over the life cycle. A mixture of economic conditions, social norms, and demographic trends provide insightful explanations for the unequal burden that women and girls carry when dealing with unpaid domestic activities, an economically significant but traditionally neglected activity. As such, the book is of interested to practitioners in all social sciences, particularly sociologists, demographers, economists, and policymakers.

ISBN 978-3-030-11805-1 (hardcover); ISBN 978-3-030-11806-8 (e-Book)


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Studies in the Sociology of Population. International Perspectives, Springer, 2019

Sous la direction de : 

  • Jon Anson, retraité de Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (Israël)
  • Walter Bartl, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (Allemagne)
  • Andrzej Kulczycki, University of Alabama at Birmingham (Etats-Unis)


This book presents a cross section of the work and concerns of social demographers worldwide, covering a broad range of topics from social structure through population structure to social policy; from fertility and mortality through migration to the way in which organisations deal with the demographic environment in which they operate. Topics addressed also include morbidity and health profiles and transitions, as well as policies and programs concerned with these and other issues. The volume touches on some of the major links between population and societal dynamics. It addresses demographic patterns and issues from micro-level, meso-level, and macro-level perspectives and helps put into focus the past, present and future of the mutual relations between population dynamics and societal responses. With a unique introductory chapter discussing the global unevenness of population growth today, its associations with inequality and the challenges it presents for the future, and a truly international approach to social and demographic change and policy responses, this book will serve as a valuable resource for professionals and students in sociology, demography, social policy and local governance.

ISBN 978-3-319-94868-3 (hardcover); ISBN 978-3-319-94869-0 (e-Book)


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Penser le vieillissement en Méditerranée. Données, processus et liens sociaux, Karthala, 2019.  
Sous la direction de :

  • Thierry Blöss, Université d’Aix-Marseille (France)
  • Isabelle Blöss-Widmer, Université d’Aix-Marseille (France)

L’allongement de la durée de vie et le vieillissement de la population peuvent être considérés comme un « moteur » essentiel des changements en cours dans les pays méditerranéens. Les enjeux sociétaux du « problème du vieillissement » concernent à la fois l’équilibre des générations en présence et de leurs relations mutuelles, le rôle et le statut d’entraide des hommes et des femmes au sein de la parenté, ainsi que la répartition des engagements entre solidarités privées et politiques publiques, dans un contexte historique contemporain dominé par la référence quasi permanente à la situation de crise socio-économique des États-nations. Face au vieillissement accéléré que connaissent les sociétés méditerranéennes, cet ouvrage permet de comprendre comment la transformation des modes de vie correspond aux politiques des âges de la vie mises en place par les différents pays, mais aussi aux traits culturels communs à ces derniers. Les analyses proposées invitent à penser le vieillissement à la fois comme une réalité statistique en construction, irréductible à la somme des monographies nationales, mais aussi comme un processus social qui interroge la place de chaque individu dans la société.  
ISBN: 978-2-8111-2518-9  

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Family Demography in Asia. A Comparative Analysis of Fertility Preferences, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2018

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The demographic future of Asia is a global issue. As the biggest driver of population growth, an understanding of patterns and trends in fertility throughout Asia is critical to understand our shared demographic future. This is the first book to comprehensively and systematically analyse fertility across the continent through the perspective of individuals themselves rather than as a consequence of top-down government policies. Special introductory chapters provide context to the key themes of ‘son preference’ and the relationship between fertility preferences and broader theories of fertility transition. Exploring fertility through the lens of preferences, international researchers and leading academics discuss themes relating to family size, contraception use and the roles of indicators such as education and income, as well as sub-national variation. Covering the experiences of more than one-third of the global population over 22 territories, this book explores the heterogeneous experience of Asia, home to some of the highest and lowest fertility rates in the world. Understudied countries such as Brunei, Papua New Guinea and Timor-Leste have new and revealing fertility data examined. This is the ‘go-to’ reference guide for scholars, students and policymakers who are concerned with Asia’s demographic future. Scholars of demography, reproductive health and family planning will find this a comprehensive insight into the future demography of Asia.

ISBN: 978-1-78536-354-2


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Inégalités de santé à Ouagadougou. Résultats d’un observatoire de population urbaine au Burkina Faso, INED, 2019

Sous la direction de :

  • Clémentine Rossier, Université de Genève (Suisse)
  • Abdramane Bassiahi Soura, Université de Ouaga I Pr Joseph K-Zerbo (Burkina Faso)
  • Géraldine Duthé, Institut national d’études démographiques (France)


Avec une espérance de vie à la naissance estimée à 58 ans, la situation sanitaire du Burkina Faso, et en particulier celle de Ouagadougou, sa capitale, est emblématique de l’Afrique subsaharienne où la mortalité reste encore très élevée. Ce niveau élevé de mortalité s’explique par la forte prévalence des maladies infectieuses et parasitaires, de la malnutrition et des décès maternels. Mais en ville, les maladies non transmissibles progressent et sont aujourd’hui responsables de la majorité des décès. En Afrique subsaharienne où l’urbanisation est rapide, peu d’études se sont intéressées à la santé des populations vivant en marge des villes, pour beaucoup issues du milieu rural et pauvres. Ouagadougou compte aujourd’hui 2 millions d’habitants avec un taux de croissance qui dépasse les 7% par an. Des quartiers entiers se constituent de manière informelle à la périphérie de la ville. Depuis 2009, l’Observatoire de Population de Ouagadougou (OPO) suit les habitants de cinq quartiers formels et informels de la capitale. À partir de ces données, devenues une source incontournable sur la santé urbaine en Afrique de l’Ouest, cet ouvrage dresse un bilan des différents fardeaux de maladies qui pèsent aujourd’hui sur les hommes et les femmes de ces quartiers aux différents âges de la vie, et ce, de façon inégale selon les caractéristiques socioéconomiques et environnementales. Les résultats présentés s’avèrent précieux pour l’élaboration des politiques de développement et d’amélioration des conditions de vie des populations d’Afrique.

ISBN  978-2-7332-6026-5 (livre); ISBN 978-2-7332-6027-2 (ePub); ISBN 978-2-7332-6028-9 (Pdf)


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Poverty as Ideology. Rescuing Social Justice from Global Development Agendas, Zed Books, 2018

 De :


This provocative work offers a radical new approach to understanding poverty based on a comprehensive and accessible critique of key concepts and research methods. It upends much of the received wisdom to provide an invaluable resource for students, teachers and researchers across the social sciences. Poverty has become the central focus of global development efforts, with a vast body of research and funding dedicated to its alleviation. And yet, the field of poverty studies remains deeply ideological and has been used to justify wealth and power within the prevailing world order. Andrew Martin Fischer clarifies this deeply political character, from conceptions and measures of poverty through to their application as policies. Poverty as Ideology shows how our dominant approaches to poverty studies have, in fact, served to reinforce the prevailing neoliberal ideology while neglecting the wider interests of social justice that are fundamental to creating more equitable societies. Instead, our development policies have created a ‘poverty industry’ that obscures the dynamic reproductions of poverty within contemporary capitalist development and promotes segregation in the name of science and charity. Fischer argues that an effective and lasting solution to global poverty requires us to reorient our efforts away from current fixations on productivity and towards more equitable distributions of wealth and resources.

ISBN: 9781786990440 (paperback); 
 (eBook ePub); 9781786990488
 (eBook Kindle)


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The Indian Metamorphosis: Essays on Its Enlightenment, Education and Society, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018

De :


This book examines various ideational, attitudinal and intellectual impasses that are becoming glaringly apparent on several fronts, and which have held back India’s balanced, steady and uniform development and transformation post-independence. It argues that all of these ideational and attitudinal aberrations stem from one basic fact, namely that India, throughout the entire period since the onset of modern industrial secular civilization at the global level, has somehow managed to evade the core ideas and values of the western Enlightenment movement, leaving unfinished the crucial task of modernizing and secularizing the mindsets and outlooks of its people on a mass scale – a task that has historically and globally been the backbone of sustained modern material development with socio-political stability. Further, it suggests that this enormous failure is crucially linked to key shortcomings in Indian mainstream thinking, and the imaginations and visions in general, and as such is also linked with confused educational ideas and content – particularly at the elementary level – since the country gained independence. The book maintains that Indian curricula and educational content at the school level has been consciously designed to guard against the core values and ideas of the Enlightenment, which could have made the typical Indian mind more rational, reasonable, mature and secular, resulting in much lower degrees of unreason, raw sentiments and emotions than have been hitherto entrenched in it. The book further sketches the genesis and impact of the currently dominant neoliberal ideas and thinking that have invaded the entire educational universe and its philosophy around the world. Lastly, it examines and assesses the latter’s far-reaching ramifications for current Indian educational philosophy, pedagogy and practices, and proposes concrete remedial directions for public policy and action.

ISBN 978-981-13-0796-6 (hardcover); ISBN 978-981-13-0797-3 (eBook)


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A Fraught Embrace. The Romance and Reality of AIDS Altruism in Africa, Princeton University Press, 2017.  

  • Ann Swidler, University of California, Berkeley (Etats-Unis)
  • Susan Cotts Watkins, University of Pennsylvania (Etats-Unis)

In the wake of the AIDS pandemic, legions of organizations and compassionate individuals descended on Africa from faraway places to offer their help and save lives. A Fraught Embrace shows how the dreams of these altruists became entangled with complex institutional and human relationships. Ann Swidler and Susan Cotts Watkins vividly describe the often mismatched expectations and fantasies of those who seek to help, of the villagers who desperately seek help, and of the brokers on whom both Western altruists and impoverished villagers must rely. Based on years of fieldwork in the heavily AIDS-affected country of Malawi, this powerful book digs into the sprawling AIDS enterprise and unravels the paradoxes of AIDS policy and practice. All who want to do good—from idealistic volunteers to world-weary development professionals—depend on brokers as guides, fixers, and cultural translators. These irreplaceable but frequently unseen local middlemen are the human connection between altruists' dreams and the realities of global philanthropy. The mutual misunderstandings among donors, brokers, and villagers—each with their own desires and moral imaginations—create all the drama of a romance: longing, exhilaration, disappointment, heartache, and sometimes an enduring connection. Personal stories, public scandals, and intersecting, sometimes clashing fantasies bring the lofty intentions of AIDS altruism firmly down to earth. Swidler and Watkins ultimately argue that altruists could accomplish more good, not by seeking to transform African lives but by helping Africans achieve their own goals. A Fraught Embrace unveils the tangled relations of those involved in the collective struggle to contain an epidemic.  
ISBN 9780691173924  

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Le monde privé des femmes. Genre et habitat dans la société française, INED, 2018.

Sous la direction de : 

  • Anne Lambert, Institut national d'études démographiques (France)
  • Pascale Dietrich-Ragon, Institut national d'études démographiques (France)
  • Catherine Bonvalet, Institut national d'études démographiques (France)


Les évolutions récentes de la famille et du monde du travail ont contribué ces dernières années à faire évoluer la manière dont le logement participé à la recomposition des identités sexuées et des rapports de pouvoir entre les sexes. La généralisation du travail salarié des femmes a-t-elle modifié le rapport à l’habitat et les stratégies d’achat, de location ou sous-location du logement ? Le lien entre les femmes et l’habitat évolue-t-il avec le développement des formes contemporaines de domesticité et d’emplois à domicile ? La maison est-elle encore principalement un lieu de domination masculine ? Dépassant une vision réifiée des rapports de pouvoir dans la sphère privée, cet ouvrage montre que le logement peut, dans certaines conditions, constituer un lieu d’affirmation de soi pour les femmes, par exemple au sein de populations défavorisées, mais confirme aussi combien cet équilibre demeure fragile. À travers les différentes contributions qui analysent la sphère du logement comme lieu de vie, et plus largement l’habitat comme environnement social, les auteurs insistent sur l’intérêt de le désenclaver en le reliant avec la sphère professionnelle. Considérant le logement dans ses dimensions matérielle, symbolique, économique et juridique, cet état des lieux propose de nouvelles perspectives de recherche.

ISBN 978-2-7332-6023-4


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Trajectories and Origins: Survey on the Diversity of the French Population, Springer, 2018.

Sous la direction de : 

  • Cris Beauchemin, Institut national d'études démographiques (France)
  • Christelle Hamel, Institut national d'études démographiques (France)
  • Patrick Simon, Institut national d'études démographiques (France)


This book provides the main findings of a ground-breaking survey on immigrants and the second generation in France. The data, collected from more than 20, 000 persons representative of the population living in France, offer invaluable insights into the trajectories and experience of ethnic minorities. The book explains how France has been an immigrant-receiving country for over a century and how it is now a multicultural society with an unprecedented level of origin diversity. While immigrants and their descendants are targets of clichés and stereotyping, this book provides unique quantitative findings on their situation in all areas of personal and working life. Is origin in itself a factor of inequality? With its detailed reconstitutions of educational, occupational and conjugal trajectories and its exploration of access to housing and health, this book provides multiple approaches to answering this question. One of the work’s major contributions is to combine objective and subjective measures of discrimination: this is the first study in France to focus on racism as experienced by those subjected to it, while opening up new methodological perspectives on the experience of prejudice by origin, religion, and skin colour.

ISBN 978-3-319-76637-9


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Géographie des populations. Concepts, dynamiques, prospectives, Armand Colin, 2018.  

De :


Depuis le début du XXIe siècle, quatre grandes tendances démographiques s’observent à l’échelle mondiale : la généralisation de la transition démographique, la mondialisation des migrations, la montée de l’urbanisation, le vieillissement de la population ; et l’idée d’une évolution homogène et convergente des populations semble s’imposer. Pourtant, derrière la réalité incontestable de ces quatre processus, des analyses précises montrent qu’il n’en est rien. Leur déploiement est non seulement varié selon les territoires, mais il connaît également une forte diversification géographique en fonction de leurs intensités et de leurs calendriers. Si bien que, contrairement aux idées reçues, il n’y a aucune convergence démographique selon les pays, ni donc de mondialisation en démographie. Les études prospectives laissent même entrevoir des divergences accrues. Pour le démontrer, cet ouvrage propose une étude fine et totalement renouvelée de la géographie des populations du monde, en expliquant clairement les grands concepts, en analysant les dynamiques locales et en présentant les scénarios du futur. Un ouvrage assorti de nombreuses figures originales et d’un cahier cartographique présentant les grands indicateurs à l’échelle mondiale.

ISBN 978-2-200-62331-9


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Paths of Inequality in Brazil. A Half-Century of Changes, Springer, 2019

Sous la direction de :

  • Marta Arretche, Université de São Paulo (Brésil)


This book presents multidisciplinary analyses of the historical trajectories of social and economic inequalities in Brazil over the last 50 years. As one of the most unequal countries in the world, Brazil has always been an important case study for scholars interested in inequality research, but in the last decades a new phenomenon has renewed these researchers’ interest in the country: while the majority of democracies in the developed world have witnessed an increase in income inequality from the 1970s on, Brazil has followed the opposite path, registering a significant reduction of income inequality over the last 30 years. Bringing together studies carried out by experts from different areas, such as economists, sociologists, demographers and political scientists, this volume presents insights based on rigorous analyses of statistical data in an effort to explain the long term changes in social and economic inequalities in Brazil. The book adopts a multidisciplinary approach, analyzing the relations between income inequality and different dimensions of social life, such as education, health, political participation, public policies, demographics and labor market. All of this makes Paths of Inequality in Brazil – A Half-Century of Change a very valuable resource for social scientists interested in inequality research in general, and especially for sociologists, political scientists and economists interested in the social and economic changes that Brazil went through over the last two decades.

ISBN 978-3-319-78183-9 (hardcover); ISBN 978-3-78184-6 (eBook)


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Climate change, vulnerability and migration, Routlege, 2018.

Sous la direction de :

  • S. Irudaya Rajan, Centre for Development Studies, Kerala (Inde).
  • R. B. Bhagat, International Institute for Population Sciences (Inde).


This book highlights how climate change has affected migration in the Indian subcontinent. Drawing on field research, it argues that extreme weather events such as floods, droughts, cyclones, cloudbursts as well as sea-level rise, desertification and declining crop productivity have shown higher frequency in recent times and have depleted bio-physical diversity and the capacity of the ecosystem to provide food and livelihood security. The volume shows how the socio-economically poor are worst affected in these circumstances and resort to migration to survive. The essays in the volume study the role of remittances sent by migrants to their families in environmentally fragile zones in providing an important cushion and adaptation capabilities to cope with extreme weather events. The book looks at the socio-economic and political drivers of migration, different forms of mobility, mortality and morbidity levels in the affected population, and discusses mitigation and adaption strategies. The volume will be of great interest to scholars and researchers of environment and ecology, migration and diaspora studies, development studies, sociology and social anthropology, governance and public policy, and politics.

ISBN: 9780415790727 (Hardback) ; ISBN: 9781315147741 (eBook).


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Migration between Africa and Europe, Springer, 2018.

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This volume examines migration between Africa and Europe, rather than just from Africa to Europe. Based on a unique socio-demographic survey carried out both in origin and destination countries (MAFE survey), it argues that return migration, circulation, and transnational practices are significant. Policy design must also take these factors into account. Comparing in a systematic way three flows of African migrants (from Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana and Senegal), this study offers a new view on the patterns, determinants, and family and economic effects of migration. By comparing six European countries (Belgium, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and the UK), it shows that the dynamics of migration differ greatly in new vs. old destination countries. Based on a statistical analysis of life histories, this study provides a dynamic view of migration that will help readers better understand current trends as well as future trajectories. It will appeal to researchers, academics, practitioners, and others interested in taking a deeper look in (im)migration issues.

ISBN 978-3-319-69568-6 (hardcover); ISBN 978-3-319-69569-3 (eBook)


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La famille à distance. Mobilités, territoires et liens familiaux, INED, 2018.

Sous la direction de : 

  • Christophe Imbert, Université de Rouen (France)
  • Éva Lelièvre, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (France)
  • David Lessault, Université de Poitiers (France)


L’évolution des mobilités, l’élargissement des espaces de travail et la transformation des modes de vie ont-ils une incidence sur la famille et les liens qui la constituent ? Comment se définit aujourd’hui une famille supposément éclatée en différents lieux ? Sous l’effet des mobilités et des migrations, la dispersion géographique des individus et leurs choix de localisation supposent, pour chacun, des arbitrages complexes, au centre desquels la proximité ou l’accessibilité du réseau familial prend toute sa place. Comment rendre compte et comprendre le fonctionnement de la famille à distance ? Au-delà du ménage, le groupe familial se définit comme un ensemble dont les différents membres ne résident pas nécessairement, et pas toujours, sous le même toit. Il se déploie sur un territoire aux contours variés. Distance, proximités et frontières administratives et internationales impriment des dynamiques particulières aux relations familiales. La multirésidence ou le fait de vivre sous plusieurs toits différents, l’entretien des liens des migrants avec la famille d’origine, les relations avec les parents âgés, la vie de couple sans cohabitation, la pratique du télétravail ou la mobilité de groupes professionnels (personnels navigants par exemple), sont autant de manifestations du fonctionnement à distance de la famille qui, en s’adaptant à ces nouvelles contraintes, invente de nouvelles solidarités.

ISBN: 978-2-7332-6014-2


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Egyptian Female Labor Force Participation and the Future of Economic Empowerment, Springer, 2018

De :

  • Huda Alkitkat, Independent demographic consultant / advisor (Egypte)


Egyptian Female Labor Force Participation and the Future of Economic Empowerment, by Huda Alkitkat (Springer, 2018). According to the United Nations’ agenda for 2030 for sustainable development, namely, the fifth goal “Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls,” one of the components of women empowerment is economic empowerment. This book sheds light on Egyptian women’s participation in the labor force during the last three decades up to 2030. The primary objective is to study trends in female labor force participation and predict future participation. The book consists of five chapters: 1) “History of Women’s Economic Empowerment” sheds light on the history of national and international conventions and strategies that promote women’s economic empowerment; 2) “Demographic Profile of Egypt,” provides background on the trends of the most important demographic characteristics of the last decades, such as age and sex distributions, population distribution, fertility and mortality levels, demographic transition, and demographic window; 3) “Trends in Egyptian Female Participation in Labor Force” studies women’s labor force participation during the last three decades using descriptive analysis and working life tables. 4) “Future of Egyptian Female Participation in Labor Force” provides different scenarios to predict female labor force participation in Egypt in 2030; 5) “Summary and Recommendations to Policy Makers” concludes the analysis and opens discussion of the major topics that need to be raised and discussed to improve Egyptian women’s participation in the labor force.

ISBN: 978-3-319-59643-3 (softcover); ISBN: 978-3-319-59644-0 (eBook)

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Migration and Environmental Change in the West African Sahel. Why Capabilities and Aspirations Matter, Routledge, 2018

De :


The West African Sahel is predicted to be heavily affected by climate change in the future. Slow-onset environmental changes, such as increasing rainfall variability and rising temperature, are presumed to worsen the livelihood conditions and to increase the out-migration from the affected regions. Based on qualitative and quantitative data from study areas in Mali and Senegal, this book examines the relationship between population dynamics, livelihoods and environment in the Sahel region, focussing specifically on motives for migration. Critiquing the assumption that environmental stress is the dominating migration driver, the author demonstrates the important role of individual aspirations and social processes, such as educational opportunities and the pull of urban lifestyles. In doing so, the book provides a more nuanced picture of the environment-migration nexus, arguing that slow-onset environmental changes may actually be less important as drivers of migration in the Sahel than they are often depicted in the media and climate change literature. This is a valuable resource for academics and students of environmental sociology, migration and development studies.

ISBN: 9781138217522 (Hardback); ISBN: 9781315440163 (eBook)


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Why Demography Matters, Polity, 2018

De :

  • Danny Dorling, University of Oxford (Royaume-Uni)
  • Stuart Gietel-Basten, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Hong Kong)


Demography is not destiny. As Giacomo Casanova explained over two centuries ago: "There is no such thing as destiny. We ourselves shape our own lives." Today we are shaping them and our societies more than ever before. Globally, we have never had fewer children per adult: our population is about to stabilize, though we do not know when or at what number, or what will happen after that. It will be the result of billions of very private decisions influenced in turn by multiple events and policies, some more unpredictable than others. More people are moving further around the world than ever before: we too often see that as frightening, rather than as indicating greater freedom. Similarly, we too often lament greater ageing, rather than recognizing it as a tremendous human achievement with numerous benefits to which we must adapt. Demography comes to the fore most positively when we see that we have choices, when we understand variation and when we are not deterministic in our prescriptions. The study of demography has for too long been dominated by pessimism and inhuman, simplistic accounting. As this fascinating and persuasive overview demonstrates, how we understand our demography needs to change again.

ISBN: 9780745698403 (hardback); ISBN: 9780745698410 (paperback);   
ISBN: 9780745698441 (open eBook)


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Demographic Dividends: Emerging Challenges and Policy Implications, Springer, 2016.

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This book examines potential economic opportunities that countries can experience when fertility rates fall and the average life expectancy of the working age population increases. It presents detailed demographic and economic analysis of middle-income countries throughout the world in order to show how these countries can take advantage of this demographic bonus. The book first traces the common link between policies that contribute to fertility transition as well as create the right kind of environment for reaping the benefit of demographic dividend. Next, it explores different countries and regions who are at different levels of development. It assesses the long term impact of gender equality on economic growth and development in Latin America; describes the life-cycle saving patterns of Mexican households; and examines demographic determinants of economic growth in BRICS. The book also offers demographic and economic analysis of the Mediterranean area, Sub-Saharan Africa, and New Zealand. The comparison between the different territorial contexts allow for the identification of three typologies of demographic dividend: the first dividend, when the working population grows faster than total population, the second dividend, as active generations get older and invest their savings in the production system of their country, and the third dividend, based on the coexistence of two populations age structure strongly contrasting. Overall, this book argues for the need to capitalize on the opportunities that come from the demographic dividend by investing heavily in education programs, training programs for the population working age, health programs, the creation of health insurance systems as well as programs to reduce or increase fertility levels.  

ISBN: 978-3-319-32707-5 (hardcover); ISBN: 978-3-319-32709-9 (eBook)


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A Longitudinal Approach to Family Trajectories in France. The Generations and Gender Survey, Springer, 2017.

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Adopting a longitudinal approach, this book examines the dynamics of union and family formation in France and its effects on various aspects of life, such as employment, intergenerational transfers, etc. Drawing on data from a survey in which the same respondents were interviewed three times at three-year intervals, the book explores how demographic behaviours are influenced across the life course at individual level and assesses some of their consequences. The contributors give a clear understanding of how family behaviours are constructed and redefined. They track changes in respondents’ lives in order to pinpoint the factors that prevent couples from realizing their fertility intentions, for example, or to identify certain determinants of union formation or dissolution. They also provide a more detailed picture of the changes that shape family behaviours, such as the impact of a birth on the working career or on intergenerational support, and much more. Using longitudinal data from the French version of the Generations and Gender Survey (GGS), this book addresses family and childbearing behaviours dynamically, as processes that interact with each other and with the other components of each individual's life course.


ISBN: 978-3-319-56000-7 (Hardcover); ISBN: 978-3-319-56001-4 (eBook)


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Dynamic Demographic Analysis, Springer, 2016.

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This volume presents state of the art analyses from scholars dealing with a range of demographic topics of current concern, including longevity, mortality and morbidity, migration, and how population composition impacts intergenerational transfer schemes.  New approaches are applied to such issues as measuring changes in cohort survivorship in low mortality populations, patterns of mortality improvement at older ages, and the consequences of heterogeneity in the susceptibility to death. Studies examine models of the current status of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, advance present methods for estimating population change in small areas, and strive to disentangle age, period, and cohort effects.  In sum, the book addresses key contemporary issues in measuring and modeling dynamic populations, and advances the frontier of dynamic demography.   

ISBN 978-3-319-26601-5 (Hardcover); ISBN 978-3-319-26603-9 (eBbook)


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Demography of Refugee and Forced Migration, Springer 2018

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This authoritative and comprehensive edited volume presents current research on how demography can contribute to generating scientific knowledge and evidence concerning refugees and forced migration, developing evidence based policy recommendations on protection for forced migrants and reception of refugees, and revealing the determinants and consequences of migration for origin and destination regions and communities. Refugee and other forced migrations have increased substantially in scale, complexity and diversity in recent decades. These changes challenge traditional approaches in response to refugee and other forced migration situations, and protection of refugees. Demography has an important contribution to make in this analytic space. While other disciplines (especially anthropology, law, geography, political science and international relations) have made major contributions to refugee and forced migration studies, demography has been less present with most research focusing on issues of refugee mortality and morbidity. This book specifies the range of topics for which a demographic approach is highly appropriate, and identifies findings of demographic research which can contribute to ever more effective policy making in this important arena of human welfare and international policy.

ISBN: 978-3-319-67145-1 (hardcover); ISBN: 978-3-319-67147-5 (eBook)


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Routledge Handbook of Asian Demography, Routledge, 2018

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Asia is the world’s largest and most populous continent. It is also extremely diverse with its populations living in hugely varied natural environments and representing a striking array of demographic characteristics and stages of demographic transition. This Handbook provides a comprehensive study of population change in Asia and related theoretical issues through systematically examining demographic transitions in the region and their relationships with a wide range of social, economic, political and cultural factors. It comprises 28 chapters written by more

than 40 experts and is designed to provide a key reference for academics, students, policy makers and anyone who is interested in population change in Asia.   


Hardback: 9780415659901


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Internal Migration in the Developed World: Are We Becoming Less Mobile?, Routledge, 2018

Sous la direction de :

  • Tony Champion, Newcastle University (Royaume-Uni)
  • Thomas Cooke, University of Connecticut (Etast-Unis)
  • Ian Shuttleworth, Queen's University Belfast (Royaume-Uni)


The frequency with which people move home has important implications for national economic performance and the well-being of individuals and families. Much contemporary theory posits that the world is becoming ever more mobile, yet there is mounting evidence (especially from the US) to suggest that this may not be true of all types of mobility nor of all geographical contexts. This book examines the long-term trends in internal migration in the Developed World, especially featuring case studies of the USA, UK, Australia, Japan, Sweden, Germany and Italy, and provides a critical assessment of the extent to which global structural forces, as opposed to national context, have been influencing internal migration behaviour since the 1960s.

Hardback: 9781472478061; eBook: 9781315589282


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Numéro spécial : "Highly Skilled Migration and Global Economic Recession," Population, Space and Place, Volume 22, Issue 5, July 2016, pages 403–503.

Sous la direction de : 


This special issue focuses on a key-component of migration – highly skilled migrants – by addressing the risks they encounter and the hedging mechanisms they employ when confronted with unfriendly policies or economic downturns in the host country. From a conceptual standpoint, the situation discussed here is that of a group with high human capital (highly skilled) in a hostile context of reception. The discussion is framed around the two risks explored by the contributors to this special issue: a significant economic crisis affecting the host country and institutionalized discrimination. Although the individual papers do not necessarily employ a comparative perspective, these topics are explored in four different settings (UK, United States, Israel, and Canada), allowing readers to see how the history and characteristics of the host country influence the issues at hand.

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Numéro spécial : "The Science of Choice". Supplément de Population Studies, octobre 2017

Sous la direction de :

  • Frans Willekens, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI) (Pays-Bas)
  • Jakub Bijak, University of Southampton (Royaume-Uni)
  • Anna Klabunde, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (Allemagne)
  • Alexia Prskawetz, Vienna University of Technology and Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital (IIASA, VID/ÖAW, WU) (Autriche)


To understand population change, it is not sufficient to know what life choices individuals and families make. We need to understand how choices are made. Critical choices in life, such as the choice to marry, to have a child, to migrate, to retire or to end the life course, are outcomes of cognitive processes. The processes involve substantial risk and uncertainty. They consist of stages and each stage takes time. Life choices have far-reaching consequences. Because of them, people’s lives and biographies are diverse, and population change is colourful but complex. Multi-stage decision processes under uncertainty, embedded in the human life course, are the subject of this special issue (supplement) of Population Studies. To master the complexity of the subject, stochastic process models and microsimulation are used, and Bayesian information processing models that incorporate prior beliefs are suggested. The publication should appeal to demographers, sociologists, economists, cognitive scientists and anyone interested in understanding how critical life choices are made. The publication is an outcome of the Scientific Panel on Microsimulation and Agent-Based Modelling convened by the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP) and a workshop the Panel organized in cooperation with the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Rostock, Germany. 


La publication est en accès libre sur le site de Population Studies.  

Model-Based Demography. Essays on Integrating Data, Technique and Theory, Springer, 2017

De :


Late in a career of more than sixty years, Thomas Burch, an internationally known social demographer, undertook a wide-ranging methodological critique of demography. This volume contains a selection of resulting papers, some previously unpublished, some published but not readily accessible [from past meetings of The International Union for the Scientific Study of Population and its research committees, or from other small conferences and seminars]. Rejecting the idea that demography is simply a branch of applied statistics, his work views it as an autonomous and complete scientific discipline. When viewed from the perspective of modern philosophy of science, specifically the semantic or model-based school, demography is a balanced discipline, with a rich body of techniques and data, but also with more and better theories than generally recognized. As demonstrated in this book, some demographic techniques can also be seen as theoretical models, and some substantive/behavioral models, commonly rejected as theory because of inconsistent observations, are now seen as valuable theoretical models, for example demographic transition theory.  This book shows how demography can build a strong theoretical edifice on its broad and deep empirical foundation by adoption of the model-based approach to science. But the full-fruits of this approach will require demographers to make greater use of computer modeling [both macro- and micro-simulation], in the statement and manipulation of theoretical ideas, as well as for numerical computation.

Hardback: ISBN 978-3-319-65432-4; eBook: ISBN 978-3-319-65433-1


Commander l'ouvrage sur le site de Springer.

Ce livre sera également disponible en ligne gratuitement sur le site web de Springer en accès libre sous licence CC BY (Creative Commons), probablement avant la fin octobre.

Africa's Population: In Search of a Demographic Dividend, Springer, 2017

Sous la direction de :

  • Hans Groth, World Demographic and Ageing Forum (Suisse)
  • John F. May, Population Reference Bureau (Etats-Unis)


This book examines the promises as well as the challenges the demographic dividend brings to sub-Saharan Africa as fertility rates in the region fall and the labor force grows. It offers a detailed analysis of what conditions must be met in order for the region to take full economic advantage of ongoing population dynamics. As the book makes clear, the region will need to accelerate reforms to cope with its demographic transition, in particular the decline of fertility. The continent will need to foster human capital formation through renewed efforts in the areas of education, health and employment. This will entail a true vision and determination on the part of African leaders and their development partners. The book will help readers to gain solid knowledge of the demographic trends and provide insights into socioeconomic policies that eventually might lead sub-Saharan Africa into a successful future.

Hardback: ISBN 978-3-319-46887-7; eBook: ISBN 978-3-319-46889-1


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Commander l'ouvrage sur le site de Springer.


Health and Medicine in the Indian Princely States: 1850-1950, Routledge, 2017

De :

  • Waltraud Ernst, Oxford Brookes University (Royaume-Uni).
  • Biswamoy Pati, Delhi University (Inde)
  • T.V. Sekher, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) (Inde)



Since the 1980s there has been a continual engagement with the history and the place of western medicine in colonial settings and non-western societies. In relation to South Asia, research on the role of medicine has focussed primarily on regions under direct British administration. This book looks at the ‘princely states’ that made up about two fifths of the subcontinent. Two comparatively large states, Mysore and Travancore – usually considered as ‘progressive’ and ‘enlightened’ – and some of the princely states of Orissa – often described as ‘backward’ and ‘despotic’ – have been selected for analysis. The authors map developments in public health and psychiatry, the emergence of specialised medical institutions, the influence of western medicine on indigenous medical communities and their patients and the interaction between them. Exploring contentious issues currently debated in the existing scholarship on medicine in British India and other colonies, this book covers the ‘indigenisation’ of health services; the inter-relationship of colonial and indigenous paradigms of medical practice; the impact of specific political and administrative events and changes on health policies. The book also analyses British medical policies and the Indian reactions and initiatives they evoked in different Indian states. It offers new insights into the interplay of local adaptations with global exchanges between different national schools of thought in the formation of what is often vaguely, and all too simply, referred to as 'western' or 'colonial' medicine.

Hardback: ISBN 978-0-415-67935-0; eBook: ISBN 978-1-315-16587-5


Commander l'ouvrage sur le site de Routledge.



Assisted Reproductive Technologies in the Global South and North Issues, Challenges and the Future, Routledge, 2016.

Sous la direction de :

  • Virginie Rozée, Institut national d’études démographiques (France)
  • Sayeed Unisa, International Institute for Population Sciences (Inde)


The book gives an overview of the issues surrounding Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART), both in the Global South and North. It presents the political and social frameworks of ART, and its impact in different countries. In the context of social pressure to conceive – particularly for women – this collection explores the effect of the development of ARTs, growing globalisation and reproductive medicalization on societies. Furthermore, this book analyses ART inequalities, commonalities, and specificities in various countries, regions and on the transnational scene. From a multidisciplinary perspective and drawing on multisite studies, it highlights some new issues relating to ART (e.g. egg freezing, surrogacy) and discusses some older issues regarding infertility and its medical treatment (e.g. in vitro fertilisation, childless stigmatisation and access to treatment). This book will appeal to scholars and students in the social sciences, medicine, public health, health policy, women’s and gender studies, and demography.

Hardback:ISBN 978-1-13-893235-7 eBook:ISBN 978-1-31-567931-0


Commander l'ouvrage sur le site de Routledge.

Intimate Interventions in Global Health: Family Planning and HIV Prevention in Sub-Saharan Africa, Cambridge University Press, 2017.

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When addressing the factors shaping HIV prevention programs in sub-Saharan Africa, it is important to consider the role of family planning programs that preceded the epidemic. In this book, Rachel Sullivan Robinson argues that both globally and locally, those working to prevent HIV borrowed and adapted resources, discourses, and strategies used for family planning. By combining statistical analysis of all sub-Saharan African countries with comparative case studies of Malawi, Nigeria, and Senegal, Robinson also shows that the nature of countries’ interactions with the international community, the strength and composition of civil society, and the existence of technocratic leaders influenced variation in responses to HIV. Specifically, historical and existing relationships with outside actors, the nature of nongovernmental organizations, and perceptions of previous interventions strongly structured later health interventions through processes of path dependence and policy feedback. This book will be of great use to scholars and practitioners interested in global health, international development, African studies and political science.

ISBN: 9781107090729


Commander l'ouvrage sur le site de Cambridge University Press.  

  • Pour obtenir une réduction de 20 % entrer le code ROBINSON2017.


Generaciones, cursos de vida y desigualdad socialEl Colegio de México et El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, 2016.

Coordonné par :


Cet ouvrage analyse les effets du changement historique et des inégalités sociales, à partir des histoires de vie de trois générations mexicaines, nées entre 1951 et 1980, représentatives des habitants des grandes villes du pays. La source de données utilisée est l’Enquête démographique rétrospective, EDER 2011, une enquête biographique qui rassemble les principaux événements des trajectoires démographiques, scolaires, professionnelles et familiales. Ce livre est destiné à être un ouvrage fondamental pour comprendre la relation entre les changements historiques et les biographies personnelles du Mexique contemporain.



Voir l'annonce et commander l'ouvrage sur le site d'El Colegio de México

A Global History of Historical Demography - Half a Century of Interdisciplinarity, Peter Lang, 2016.

Sous la direction de :

  • Antoinette Fauve-Chamoux, Ecole des Hautes Etudes En Sciences Sociales (France)
  • Ioan Bolovan, Universităţii Babeş-Bolyai (Roumanie)
  • Sølvi Sogner, University of Oslo (Norvège)


At the XXIst World Congress of the International Committee of Historical Sciences (ICHS/CISH) in 2010 in Amsterdam, the International Commission for Historical Demography (ICHD) decided to write an overview of its own history. Fifty years had gone by since the CISH XIst World Congress in Stockholm 1960, when historians took the first tentative initiatives to create a wholly new interdisciplinary commission for historical demography, a meeting place for a budding discipline where researchers in letters and science could meet, exchange ideas, cultivate and develop a new field. This book is the outcome of that decision. Demography, past, present and future is a common concern for all inhabitants of this planet. The variation is great, however, with regard to sources, social and political conditions, state of the art, technological development, national and local initiatives. In the course of half a century many changes take place. Keeping abreast of the gigantic streams of information and innovation in the field is demanding, even more so for a discipline with global dimensions and ambitions. The book makes fascinating reading, and preparing it has been a rewarding and thought provoking experience. The thirty-seven articles in the book represent as many different stories

ISBN: 9783034323031


Commander l'ouvrage sur le site de Peter Lang.


A Fraught Embrace: The Romance and Reality of AIDS Altruism in Africa, Princeton University Press, 2017

Un ouvrage de :

  • Ann Swidler, University of California, Berkeley (Etats-Unis)
  • Susan Cotts Watkins, University of Pennsylvania (Etats-Unis)


In the wake of the AIDS pandemic, legions of organizations and compassionate individuals descended on Africa from faraway places to offer their help and save lives. A Fraught Embrace shows how the dreams of these altruists became entangled with complex institutional and human relationships. Ann Swidler and Susan Cotts Watkins vividly describe the often mismatched expectations and fantasies of those who seek to help, of the villagers who desperately seek help, and of the brokers on whom both Western altruists and impoverished villagers must rely. Based on years of fieldwork in the heavily AIDS-affected country of Malawi, this powerful book digs into the sprawling AIDS enterprise and unravels the paradoxes of AIDS policy and practice. All who want to do good—from idealistic volunteers to world-weary development professionals—depend on brokers as guides, fixers, and cultural translators. These irreplaceable but frequently unseen local middlemen are the human connection between altruists' dreams and the realities of global philanthropy. The mutual misunderstandings among donors, brokers, and villagers—each with their own desires and moral imaginations—create all the drama of a romance: longing, exhilaration, disappointment, heartache, and sometimes an enduring connection. Personal stories, public scandals, and intersecting, sometimes clashing fantasies bring the lofty intentions of AIDS altruism firmly down to earth. Swidler and Watkins ultimately argue that altruists could accomplish more good, not by seeking to transform African lives but by helping Africans achieve their own goals. A Fraught Embrace unveils the tangled relations of those involved in the collective struggle to contain an epidemic.

ISBN Hardcover: 9780691173924 / eBook: 9781400884988 


Commander l'ouvrage sur le site de Princeton University Press.

(Disponible aussi sur Kindle)


Migration internationale africaine, L'Harmattan, 2017

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Aujourd'hui, les caractéristiques des migrations sont surtout spontanées et les situations socio-économiques en sont les principales responsables. En Afrique particulièrement, l'exode rural, le chômage des diplômés, l'instabilité politique et l'absence de la sécurité représentent les principales raisons de vouloir émigrer. Mais, paradoxalement, l'Afrique montre aujourd'hui ses richesses naturelles, humaines, et devient une force économique, un espace d'accueil de capitaux et d'investissements. Le continent se lance aujourd'hui vers un avenir prometteur et un futur riche en termes de mouvements humains et économiques.

ISBN : 978-2-343-10071-5


Commander l'ouvrage sur le site de L'Harmattan.

Realidades y falacias en torno al aborto : salud y derechos humanos, El Colegio de México et Institut de recherche pour le développement, 2016.

Un ouvrage de :

  • Susana Lerner, El Colegio de México (Mexique)
  • Agnès Guillaume, Institut de recherche pour le développement (France)
  • Lucia Melgar, Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (Mexique)


Depuis la fin du XXe siècle, l’avortement a fait l’objet de débats intenses dans le champ de la politique, des droits de l’homme et de la santé publique. Portant sur des sujets délicats et controversés, en relation avec la « vie », la dignité, l’égalité, la justice et le droit des femmes à décider de manière libre et informée de leur maternité, le débat sur l’avortement et sa dépénalisation nécessitent une réflexion approfondie. Ce sujet génère des controverses où se mêlent des postures religieuses, morales, éthiques, juridiques ou idéologiques, ainsi des intérêts politiques contradictoires qui imposent des lois restrictives qui sont une attente aux les deux les droits sexuels et reproductifs des femmes sont contre les principes d’une société laïque et démocratique Suite à l’approbation en 2007 de la légalisation de l’avortement dans le District Fédéral de Mexico et d’une action d’inconstitutionnalité menée contre cette loi, en 2008 , la Cour Suprême de Justice de la Nation a organisé six audiences publiques durant lesquelles des arguments pour ou contre cette loi ont été exposés. Cet ouvrage propose une réflexion rigoureuse et argumentée de cette question complexe de l’avortement. Il présente une analyse de ces arguments dans la perspective du droit à la santé et des droits de l’homme, dans le contexte de la politique de population au Mexique et des évidences scientifiques sur l’impact des cadres juridiques sur la santé et le bien-être des femmes. À partir de ce “débat historique”, les auteurs questionnent les positions qui cherchent à limiter les droits sexuels et reproductifs des femmes et des jeunes filles, ainsi que l’importance de cette question dans les actions des s politiques, des décideurs et des personnels de santé face à la réalité de l’avortement au Mexique.

ISBN : 978-607-462-938-5 


Commander l'ouvrage sur le site d'El Colegio de Mexico.

Commander l'ouvrage sur le site de l'Institut de recherche pour le développement.

Maternidad en adolescentes y desigualdad social en UruguayAnálisis territorial desde la perspectiva de sus protagonistas en barrios de la periferia crítica de Montevideo, Universidad de la República (Uruguay) and UNFPA, 2016.

Coordonné par :

  • Alejandra López Gómez, Universidad de la República (Uruguay)
  • Carmen Varela Petito, Universidad de la República (Uruguay)


The book presents evidence on social, subjective, cultural and territorial phenomena which have an impact on women and men’s sexual and reproductive behaviour, and contribute to the high level of fertility and maternity among adolescents in Uruguay. To this end, the authors based their study on the perceptions of teenagers as well as the views of institutional agents who work in their neighborhoods about the factors that contribute to perpetuate the transition to maternity in adolescence. The project was based on a mixed design combining qualitative and quantitative techniques, focusing on two neighborhoods of the capital city with high levels of Unsatisfied Basic Needs.


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New Approaches to Death in Cities during the Health Transition, International Studies in Population Series, Vol. 12, Springer, 2016.

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This book presents recent efforts and new approaches to improve our understanding of the evolution of health and mortality in urban environments in the long run, looking at transformation and adaptations during the process of rapid population growth. In a world characterized by large and rapidly evolving urban environments, the past and present challenges cities face is one of the key topics in our society. Cities are a world of differences and, consequently, of inequalities. At the same time cities remain, above all, the spaces of interactions among a variety of social groups, the places where poor, middle-class, and wealthy people, as well as elites, have coexisted in harmony or tension. Urban areas also form specific epidemiological environments since they are characterized by population concentration and density, and a high variety of social spaces from wealthy neighborhoods to slums. Inversely and coherently, cities develop answers in terms of sanitary policies and health infrastructures. This balance between risk and protective factors is, however, not at all constant across time and space and is especially endangered in periods of massive demographic growth, particularly periods of urbanization mainly led by immigration flows that transform both the socioeconomic and demographic composition of urban populations and the morphological nature of urban environments. Therefore this book is an unique contribution in which present day and past socio-demographic and health challenges confronted by big urban environments are combined.


Hardcover: ISBN 978-3-319-43001-0

Special issue on ‘Understanding variation in human fertility: what can we learn from evolutionary demography?’ in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 19 April 2016; volume 371, issue 1692

Sous la direction de :

  • David W. Lawson, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (Royaume-Uni)
  • Rebecca Sear, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (Royaume-Uni)
  • Mary K. Shenk, University of Missouri (Etats-Unis)
  • Stephen C. Stearns, Yale University (Etats-Unis)
  • Hillard Kaplan, University of New Mexico (Etats-Unis)


Decades of research on human fertility has presented a clear picture of how fertility varies, including its dramatic decline over the last two centuries in most parts of the world. Why fertility varies, both between and within populations, is not nearly so well understood. Fertility is a complex phenomenon, partly physiologically and partly behaviourally determined, thus an interdisciplinary approach is required to understand it. Evolutionary demographers have focused on human fertility since the 1980s. The first wave of evolutionary demographic research made major theoretical and empirical advances, investigating variation in fertility primarily in terms of fitness maximization. Research focused particularly on variation within high-fertility populations and small-scale subsistence societies and also yielded a number of hypotheses for why fitness maximization seems to break down as fertility declines during the demographic transition. A second wave of evolutionary demography research on fertility is now underway, paying much more attention to the cultural and psychological mechanisms underpinning fertility. It is also engaging with the complex, multi-causal nature of fertility variation, and with understanding fertility in complex modern and transitioning societies. Here, we summarize the history of evolutionary demographic work on human fertility, describe the current state of the field, and suggest future directions

ISSN 0962-8436


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Contemporary Demographic Transformations in China, India and Indonesia, Springer, 2016

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Our volume examines the profound demographic transformation affecting China, India, and Indonesia, where 40% of the world's people live. It offers a systematic, comparative approach that will help readers to better understand the changing social and regional recomposition of the population in these regions. The 22 chapters written by eminent demographers present a detailed investigation and mapping of regional trends in mortality, fertility, migration and urbanization, education, and aging. Throughout, the analysis carefully considers how these trends affect economic and social development. Coverage also raises global, theoretical questions about the singular ways in which each of these three countries have achieved their demographic transition. As the authors reveal, demographic trends seem to be somewhat linear and anticipatable, providing Asia’s three demographic giants and their governments a formidable advantage in planning for the future. But the evolution of human mobility in China, India, and Indonesia, closely intertwined as it is with changing economic conditions, appears less predictable and ranks high among the major challenges to demographic knowledge in the coming decades.


Hardcover: ISBN 978-3-319-24781-6

eBook: ISBN 978-3-319-24783-0

Agent-Based Modelling in Population Studies – Concepts, Methods, and Applications, Springer, 2016

Sous la direction :

  • André Grow, KU Leuven (Belgique)
  • Jan Van Bavel, KU Leuven (Belgique)


This book examines the use of agent-based modelling (ABM) in population studies, from concepts to applications and from best practices to future developments. It features papers written by leading experts in the field that will help readers to better understand the usefulness of ABM for generating projections, how ABM can be injected with empirical data to achieve a better match between model and reality, how geographic information can be fruitfully used in ABM, and how ABM results can be reported correctly and concisely. The papers show the benefits that ABM offers the field, such as enhanced theory formation by better linking the micro level with the macro level, the ability to represent populations as complex systems, and the possibility to study rare events and to assess the implications of alternative mechanisms.

ISBN 978-3-319-32283-4


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Population Change in the United Kingdom, Rowman & Littlefield International, 2016

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This new book on the changing population of the UK was prepared under the auspices of the BSPS and edited by its immediate past and current Presidents. It was commissioned to mark to 25th anniversary of the publication of Heather Joshi’s (1989) landmark volume The Changing Population of Britain. The new book reviews the changes that have taken place over the past quarter of a century and examines their implications for future trends and policy. It shows that the UK's population is increasing faster than at any point in the last 100 years, it is getting progressively older and it is becoming more diverse culturally and ethnically. More school leavers are going on to university. Cohabitation has been replacing marriage, more children live in one-parent families and young adults are finding it harder to get on the property ladder. Many women are delaying having children until their 40s. Cities have seen a resurgence in population but there is still pressure on the countryside, while the north-south divide is getting ever wider, as too are local socio-economic disparities. 

ISBN: 9781783485918


Hardcover: £90/$135

Paperback: £29.95/$44.95

eBook £29.99/$43.99

Copies are available for purchase online at a 30% discount using code AUG1630.

Population Change in Canada, 3rd Edition, Oxford University Press, 2016.  

de :


Drawing on the latest research and statistics, the third edition of Population Change in Canada offers a comprehensive, up-to-date survey of Canadian demography from the sixteenth century to the present day. Beaujot and Kerr's insightful narrative lays the groundwork by outlining key demographic concepts as well as the fundamental population processes - mortality, fertility, and immigration - before moving on to explore in greater depth issues of population growth, distribution, and aging and finally the social, cultural, economic, and political consequences of population change. Accessible and enlightening, Population Change in Canada offers students the foundation they need to fully understand population change and to prepare to meet its challenges both now and in the future.

ISBN: 9780199002627


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Turkish Migration Policy, Transnational Press London, 2016

Sous la direction de :

  • Ibrahim Sirkeci, Regents University London (Royaume-Uni)
  • Barbara Pusch, Orient Institute Istanbul (Turkie)


TURKISH MIGRATION POLICY aims to shed light on changes in migration policy, determinants beneath these changes, and practical implications for movers and non-movers in Turkey. Nevertheless, one should note that Turkey has only recently faced mass immigration and the number of foreign born has more than doubled in less than five years. Such sudden change in population composition warrants policy adjustments and reviews. Policy shift from “exporting excess labour” in the 1960s and 1970s to immigrant integration today is a drastic but necessary one. Nevertheless, Turkish migration policy is still far from settled as several chapters in this book point out. Despite the exemplary humanitarian engagement in admitting Syrians, Turkey is still at the bottom of the league table of favourable integration policies with an overall score of 25 out of 100. Turkish migration policy is likely to be adjusted further in response to the continuing immigration.


Purchase paperback ISBN: 978-1-910781-09-8

Purchase hardcover ISBN: 978-1-910781-17-3

Purchase Kindle version ASIN: B01GK56UC0


Surveying Human Vulnerabilities Across the Life Course, Springer, 2016

Sous la direction de :

  • Michel Oris, Université de Genève (Suisse)
  • Dominique Joye, Université de Lausanne (Suisse)
  • Caroline Roberts, Université de Lausanne (Suisse)
  • Michèle Ernst Stähli, Université de Lausanne (Suisse)


This volume details tools and procedures for data collections of hard-to-reach, hard-to-survey populations. Inside, readers will discover first-hand insights from experts who share their successes as well as their failures in their attempts to identify and measure human vulnerabilities across the life course. Coverage first provides an introduction on studying vulnerabilities based on the Total Error Survey framework. Next, the authors present concrete examples on how to survey such populations as the elderly, migrants, widows and widowers, couples facing breast cancer, employees and job seekers, displaced workers, and teenagers during their transition to adulthood. In addition, one essay discusses the rationale for the use of life history calendars in studying social and psychological vulnerability while another records the difficulty the authors faced when trying to set-up an online social network to collect relevant data. Overall, this book demonstrates the importance to have, from the very beginning, a dialogue between specialists of survey methods and the researchers working on social dynamics across the life span. It will serve as an indispensable resource for social scientists interested in gathering and analyzing data on vulnerable individuals and populations in order to construct longitudinal data bases and properly target social policies.

ISBN 978-3-319-24155-5


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Demographic trends in Canada and Australia: Special issue dedicated to Graeme Hugo, in Canadian Studies in Population, Vol. 43, No. 1–2 (Spring/Summer) 2016

Guest Editors:


In many regards, Australia and Canada are rather different, especially in climate and hemispheres. They also have important similarities, including being very large countries with extensive areas of very low settlement. Both were long inhabited by indigenous populations, which were overtaken during the period of European expansion and colonization. In terms of demographics, these similarities and differences have especially been examined on the side of immigration. In both countries, there was a long period during which governments sought to establish a white European population in a new world, and a similar timeframe in the 1960s when barriers to non-white immigration were removed and immigration became more diversified. Asians are now the largest source of new arrivals in both countries. The five articles in this special issue extend the potential for comparison between Australia and Canada through the treatment not only of immigration but also fertility/family and mortality/health. Given the similarities across the two countries, these comparisons provide insight into the sociodemographic dynamics of each country. This special issue of Canadian Studies in Population is dedicated to the memory of Professor Graeme Hugo (1946–2015), who was a leading Australian population geographer.

E-ISSN 1927-629X


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Conflict, Insecurity and Mobility, Transnational Press London, 2016

Sous la direction de :

  • Ibrahim Sirkeci, Regents University London (Royaume-Uni)
  • Jeffrey H. Cohen, The Ohio State University (Etats-Unis)
  • Pinar Yazgan, Sakarya University (Turquie)


Theories and models of contemporary migration often revolves around neofunctional models. They define migrants as rational actors who are focused on improving their economic, social, and political well-being which is enabled by access to opportunities that are not available in their origin communities and/or countries. Nevertheless, initiation of migration is largely driven by difficulties, discomfort, disagreements, tensions, and conflicts at the origin, while migration decision and destination choices are moderated by individual characteristics, cultural and social capital as well as by the local, national, and international context. In other words, people do not move when they are satisfied and comfortable with what they have and where they are. The number of movers around the world is relatively very small. The costs of migration and other moderating effects make international population movements an exception even today with an ever increasing mobility across the world.


Acheter le livre (couverture souple) ISBN: 978-1-910781-09-8

Acheter le livre (couverture rigide) ISBN: 978-1-910781-11-1

Trajectoires et origines. Enquête sur la diversité des populations en France, INED, 2016.

 Sous la direction de :

  • Cris Beauchemin, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (France)
  • Christelle Hamel, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (France)
  • Patrick Simon, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (France)


Pays d’immigration depuis plus d’un siècle, la France est une société multiculturelle où la diversité des origines atteint un niveau sans précédent. Mais la situation des populations liées à l’immigration, objets d’idées reçues et de représentations stéréotypées, reste mal connue. Souhaitant répondre à ce besoin de connaissances statistiques, l’Ined et l’Insee se sont associés pour réaliser une enquête d’envergure sur la diversité des populations en France et l’étude des discriminations. Réalisée auprès de 22 000 personnes, l’enquête Trajectoires et Origines (TeO) marque une nouvelle étape dans les recherches quantitatives sur les personnes immigrées et leurs descendants. L’origine est-elle en soi un facteur d’inégalités ou simplement de différenciation dans l’accès aux différentes ressources de la vie sociale ? TeO offre des pistes de réflexion en accordant une grande place à la reconstitution des trajectoires solaires, professionnelles, matrimoniales ou en explorant l’accès au logement et à la santé. L’un des apports majeurs de cet ouvrage, aboutissement de l’enquête TeO, est de combiner une approche à la fois objective et subjective de la discrimination en étudiant, pour la première fois l’expérience du racisme subi, et en ouvrant des perspectives méthodologiques sur l’étude de préjudices vécus du fait de l’origine, la religion ou la couleur de peau.

ISBN: 978-2-7332-8004-1


Table des matières 

Introduction et conclusion

Commander l'ouvrage : €29