Sayeed Unisa

Professor and Former Head, Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology
Former Professor, International Institute For Population Sciences

Field of Study: Demography, Education, Population and Development, Public Health/ Epidemiology, Statistics
Specialization: Ageing, Biodemography and Genetics, Children and Youth, Culture, religion and ethnicity, Data Collection and Processing, Education and Schooling, Estimates and Projections, Gender Roles-Differentials, Marriage, Divorce and Consensual Unions, Mortality, Health, and Longevity, Qualitative Demography, Reproductive Health (Family Planning), Training, Documentation, Information
Regional focus: South Asia, Southeast Asia
Education: Doctorate (Ph.D, or MD), , Demography, 1993
Working languages: English
Urdu, Hindi
Other association membership in population or related fields: Asian Population Association (APA), International Statistical Institute (ISI)
Indian Association for the Study of Population
Professional Summary:

Dr. Sayeed Unisa is an Adjunct Professor in the School of Research Methodology, TISS and a former professor and head of Biostatistics and Epidemiology at the International Institute for Population Sciences with more than three decades of experience in teaching and research. Dr Unisa is a Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society, London.
She has carried out large-scale population-based cross-sectional, impact evaluation and longitudinal studies with funding from UNICEF, WHO, World Bank, Ford Foundation, and the Government of India.
Prof Unisa has published more than 125 articles in refereed journals and published six books. She has also presented research papers in 18 countries at international conferences and chaired the IUSSP sessions on infertility, surrogacy and new reproductive technologies. She has served as a Committee member to MoHFW, MHRD, MoMA and MoSPI on different issues. She has also worked as a TAG member on projects on nutrition, RH and gender.



Rozee G.V. and Sayeed Unisa(eds) (2016) Assisted Reproductive Technologies in the Global South and North: Issues, Challenges and Future, Rutledge, London.
Sayeed Unisa, T,V,Sekhar, C. Chandershekhar, A.Singh, L.K.Dwivedi, M.R.S.Pradhan(eds)( 2016)Population, Environment and Health, IIPS and Rawat Publications,
F.Ram, Sayeed Unisa and T.V.Sekhar(2011) Population, Gender and Reproductive Health, IIPS and Rawat Publications, Jaipur.
Unisa, S., Dhillon, P., Anand, E., Sahoo, H., & Agarwal, P. K.(2022) Data quality of birthweight reporting in India: Evidence from cross-sectional surveys and service statistics. Social Science and Medicine-Population Health, j.ssmph.2022.101220
Dhillon,P., Unisa, S., Gupta, A., Saraswat, A., Sulaiman KM, and Pedgaonka, S., (2023) Utilisation of ANC services before and after the COVID-19 pandemic in selected resource-poor blocks of India: role of community health workers in Swabhimaan programme area, BMC Health Services Research,

Honorary or professional positions and awards:
May 2009 to July 2009 -Visiting Professor, International Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, The Netherlands

1991-Royan International Award for the community-based study on infertility in Andhra Pradesh, India.

IRB member of RTI, IIHMR, MGM, Mumbai

2021 and 2013 Chairperson of IUSSP Session on Correlates of Infertility and Assisted Reproduction

2019- to date Advisory Committee Member -‘Centre of Excellence (CoE)’ on Public Health Nutrition (PHN) with the support of UNICEF

2018-2019 TAG member of CES, MoHFW and UNICEF

2017 Review Committee Member of Population Research Centers, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

2017-18 Advisory Panel Member of NCEAR National Data Invention Center, NCEAR

2017-18 Programme Committee Member of Centre for Excellence on Adolescents and Youth, TISS and UNFPA

2012-17 Technical Advisory Member of Indian Human Development Survey, NCEAR

Research grants:
UNICEF, UNFPA,WHO, Ford Foundation, World Bank, Wellcome Trust, ICSSR, Tata Trust, Government of India, Government of Gujarat,