IUSSP's International Population Conference (IPC)

The IUSSP organizes the International Population Conference once every four years in a different country, in collaboration with a host country institution. This major international event draws some 2,000 population scholars, policymakers, and government officials from around the world to discuss the latest population research and debate pressing global and regional population issues. 


Bids for the 2029 International Population Conference should be submitted on or before 15 March 2025. (read more)


IPC2025 - International Population Conference
Brisbane, Australia, 13-18 July 2025


Call for host country proposals for IPC 2029


The IUSSP Council invites national population associations and other national institutions to consider hosting the XXXI International Population Conference in 2029.

2021 International Population Conference (IPC2021), 5-10 December 2021.


  • Read the summary article on the last International Population Conference. 


Past Conferences: 

IPC 2021    •    Conference papers
Cape Town 2017    •    Conference papers (not available currently)
Busan 2013    •    Conference papers (not available currently)
Marrakech 2009        Conference papers 
Tours 2005    •    Conference papers 
Bahia 2001
Beijing 1997   

Montréal 1993
New Delhi 1989
Florence 1985
Manila 1981
Mexico City 1977
Liège 1973
London 1969
Belgrade 1965  (jointly with the 2nd United Nations World Population Conference)
Ottawa 1963
New York 1961
Vienna 1959
Stockholm 1957
Rio de Janeiro 1955
Rome 1954  (jointly with the 1st United Nations World Population Conference)
Rome 1953
New Delhi 1951
Bern 1949
Washington 1947
Paris 1937
Berlin 1935
London 1931
Paris 1928  

Regional or Thematic Conferences

The IUSSP, in co-operation with national professional associations, organised regional conferences in Sydney (1967) for Asia and Oceania; in Bangkok for South East Asia (2002); in Mexico City (1970) and Veracruz (1992) for Latin America; in Accra (1971) and Dakar (1988) for Africa; in Jyväskylä (1987), Paris (1991) and Milan (1995) for Europe and Cairo (1996) for the Arab world.

Two thematic conferences were organised, one on Economic and Demographic Change: Issues for the 1980s held in Helsinki in 1978, and the other on Women's Position and Demographic Change in the Course of Development held in Oslo in 1988. The regional and thematic conferences focus on specific problems relating either to a region or to a particular aspect of demography.


The IUSSP also participates in conferences organized by the Asian Population Association (APA), the European Association for Population Studies (EAPS), the Latin-American Population Association (ALAP), the Population Association of America (PAA), the Union for African Population Studies (UAPS), and the International Statistical Institute (ISI).

How to host an International Population Conference

(read more)






From Vienna to Marrakech: 
50 Years of Independent IUSSP Conferences

(thanks to the Vienna Institute of Demography)




Past sponsors of the International Population Conference:

The IUSSP gratefully acknowledges the financial support  it received from the following institutions and governments to organize the International and Regional Population Conferences since 1987:

  • Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
  • Ford Foundation
  • Mellon Foundation
  • Rockefeller Foundation
  • Wellcome Trust
  • William and Flora Hewlett Foundation


Governments of:

  • Australia
  • Canada
  • European Commission
  • France
  • Netherlands
  • Norway
  • Spain
  • United Kingdom
  • United States


Many participants from low-income countries could not have attended without this generous support.


The IUSSP is also grateful to the host country governments and other institutions (not listed above) that provided support to the National Organizing Committees.


The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has provided substantial financial support for the organization of every International Population Conference.