Special issue on “Contraceptive Transitions: Explanations and Evidence”. Supplement to Population and Development Review, Volume 50, Issue S2, December 2024. Edited by John B. Casterline and Suzana Cavenaghi.
Population perspectives and demographic methods to strengthen Civil Registration and Vital Statistics systems
Special Collection edited by Romesh Silva
Genus, issue 78, 2022
Care, retirement & wellbeing of older people across different welfare regimes
E-Book, edited by: Bruno Arpino.
N-IUSSP, 2021
Report: Demography and the data revolution: What have we learned? What role could IUSSP play? Review by Louise Shaxson and Emma Samman, Overseas Development Institute (ODI), December 2020
Interview: Interrogating the power relationships that shape data for sustainable development in ODI Insight. Click here for French and Spanish versions.
Le Dividende Démographique en Afrique. Premiers signes et estimation par la méthode de décomposition.
By the Francophone African Network (FraNet), coordinated by Michel Tenikue, Yao Silvère Konan, Charles Emmanuel Mouté Nyokon and Degnon Dossou Firmin Zinvi.
IUSSP, 2018
Parfait M. Eloundou-Enyegue, Sarah C. Giroux and Michel Tenikue
IUSSP, 2018
Understanding Social Change. A Decomposition Approach. (English version of the volume above).
Parfait M. Eloundou-Enyegue, Sarah C. Giroux and Michel Tenikue
IUSSP, 2018
Methodologies for Estimating Abortion Incidence and Abortion-Related Morbidity: A Review
Edited by Susheela Singh, Lisa Remez and Alyssa Tartaglione
The Guttmacher Institute collaborated with the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP) to edit and publish this volume. It is based on the International Seminar on Measurement of Abortion Incidence, Abortion-Related Morbidity and Mortality, which took place in Paris, France, in November of 2007. The seminar was convened by the IUSSP Scientific Panel on Abortion. The volume includes 14 chapters primarily based on papers presented at the seminar in addition to a few chapters on notable methods and topics that were not covered at the seminar.
Proceedings of the IUSSP seminar, 21-23 May 2009 Reitaku University
Satomi Kurosu, Tommy Bengtsson and Cameron Campbell (eds.)
Reitaku University, Kashiwa, Japan, 2010
Copyright 2010: Authors of this volume.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the authors.
Reitaku University, Hikarigaoka 2-1-1, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8686 Japan