In memory

The IUSSP Secretariat would greatly appreciate receiving information about members who have recently passed away. If you wish to honour a colleague or mentor who was an IUSSP member, please send a short article describing the individual’s contributions to the field accompanied by a photo to


Richard A. Easterlin (1926-2024)

Mayanka Ambade (1991-2025)

Pierre Cantrelle (1926-2024)

Susan Cotts Watkins (1938-2024)

Joseph E. Potter (1946-2024)

Karen Oppenheim Mason (1942-2024)

Michel Loriaux (1940-2024)

John Edwin Knodel (1940-2024)

Hubert Gérard (1937-2023)

Ruth Dixon-Mueller (1937-2023)

Tony Wrigley (1931-2022)

Tomas Frejka (1932-1922)


Chris Langford (1941-2022)


Carmen A. Miró (1919-2022)

Gavin Jones (1940-2022)


Thomas K. Burch (1934 - 2022)

Ian Pool (1936-2022)

 James W. Vaupel (1945 - 2022)

Sara McLanahan (1940-2021)

G.Edward Ebanks (1938-2021)

Iwu Dwisetyani Utomo (1956-2021)

James Ntozi (1945 - 2021)

K. G. Basavarajappa (1931-2020)

Anatole Vishnevski (1935-2021)

Parameswara Krishnan (1936 – 2021)

Lee-Jay Cho (1936 - 2020)

José Alberto Magno de Carvalho (1940-2020)


Léon Tabah (1923 - 2020)

Brigida Garcia (1947 - 2020)

Roland Pressat (1923 - 2020)

Antonella Pinnelli (1941-2020)

Baya Banza (1958 - 2019)

Sidney Goldstein. (1927-2019)

Carlos Javier Echarri Canovas. (1964- 2019)

Roger Schofield (1937-2019)

Véronique Hertrich (1963-2019)

James Trussell (1949-2018)

Rajulton Fernando (1945-2018)


Dominique Waltisperger (1946-2018)

Basia Zaba (1949-2018)

Sølvi Sogner (1932–2017)

Anatole Romaniuc (1924-2018)

Séraphin Ngondo a Pitshandenge Iman (1942-2018)

Dirk Jaspers-Faijer (1954-2017)



Carlo Corsini (1935-2017)


John Oyaro Oucho  (1943-2017)


Juan Chackiel (1944-2017)


Godelieve Masuy-Stroobant (1948-2017)



Jan Hoem (1939 - 2017)


Catherine Rollet (1942 - 2016)


Janina Jóźwiak (1948 – 2016)


Joseph Stycos (1927 - 2016)


Jack Caldwell (1928 - 2016)


Warren Robinson (1928-2015)



Ahmed Bahri (1938 - 2015)


Nigel Barnet ("Barney") Cohen (1959 - 2015)

Charles Keely (1942 - 2014)


Graeme Hugo (1946 - 2015)



Larry Heligman (1946-2014)



Charles H. Teller (1941 - 2014)


Marc Lebrun (1946 - 2014)



Jorge Somoza (1923 - 2014)


Donald Bogue (1918 - 2014)



Ladislav Růžička (1920 - 2013)


Hugo Behm-Rosas (1913 - 2011)