Sébastien Oliveau

Director of the MSH Paris-Saclay
Université Paris-Saclay


Field of Study: Demography, Geography, Population and Development
Specialization: Population and Development, Spatial Analysis (and Geographic Information), Urbanization
Regional focus: Western Europe, Middle East and North Africa (MENA), South Asia
Education: Habilitation, Aix-Marseille Université, Geography, 2011
Working languages: French
Personal web page:
Professional Summary:

Director of the MSH Paris-Saclay (https://msh-paris-saclay.fr/)

Former head of PROGEDO (http://progedo.fr) The French National Data Infrastructure for Social Sciences (2018-2023)

Former « Maître de conférences » (Ass. Prof.) at the University of Aix-Marseille (France) (2005-2018)

Habilitation (2011) from Aix-Marseille University

Ph.D. in Geography (2004) from University Panthéon-Sorbonne

B.A. (1997) and Master Degree (1999) in Geography and Development Studies from Nanterre University

Guest professor at Hanoï University, Vietnam (2012), at Xinjiang University, China (2013), at Haïti University in Limonade, Haïti (2014) and at Vienna University (2017).

I conduct researches in various themes (demography, vulnerability, urbanisation) in different countries (India, Senegal, Mediterranea, France), using spatial analysis methods.

In 2010 I co-founded the Mediterranean Demographic Observatory (http:/demomed.org) with my demographer colleague Dr. Isabelle Blöss-Widmer.



Doignon Y., Oliveau S., (Eds.), (2024), Global Settlement Dynamics. How People Inhabit the World, ISTE-Wiley Editions, Londres. DOI:10.1002/9781394340590


Doignon Y., Ambrosetti E., Blöss-Widmer I., Oliveau S., (2023), Population dynamics in the Mediterranean. A demographic convergence, Coll. SpringerBriefs in Population Studies, Springer, 157 p.


Oliveau S., Larue Q., Doignon, Y., Blöss-Widmer, I., (2019), "Mapping foreign nationals in Spain: an exploratory approach at local level", Genus. Journal of Population Sciences, 75:5 https://doi.org/10.1186/s41118-018-0047-5

Oliveau S., Doignon Y., (2019), "Is the French diagonal emptying? An exploratory spatial analysis of demographic decrease in France for the past 50 years", Cybergeo. https://doi.org/10.4000/cybergeo.31641

Blöss, T. (Ed.), Ambrosetti, E., Blöss-Widmer, I., Pagès, M., Oliveau, S., (2017), Ageing, Lifestyles and Economic Crises: The New People of the Mediterranean, Routledge, 328 p.