UN IGME TAG Seeking Technical Advisors


The UN Inter-agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation (UN IGME) is a collaboration between four United Nations agencies (UNICEF (lead), World Health Organization, United Nations Population Division and World Bank) established to coordinate the generation of global, national and sub-national estimates of mortality under the age of 25 as well as stillbirth estimates. More information about the UN IGME and its work can be found at https://childmortality.org/. An independent Technical Advisory Group (TAG) with expertise in Demography, Statistics and epidemiology provides advice to the UN IGME on methodology, data sources and potential new activities. 


The TAG is seeking expressions of interest from suitably qualified individuals to lend their expertise to the TAG as volunteer members. Suitable fields of expertise include Demography, Statistics and Epidemiology with the following requirements: 1) More than eight years professional experience in Demography or Epidemiology with advanced knowledge on mortality, or more than eight years professional experience in Statistics particularly in statistical modelling work; 2) Fluent in English; 3) Team oriented and collaborative with eagerness for technical advisory work.


The TAG meets (previously in person, recently virtually due to the pandemic, may change to hybrid or in person meetings in the near future) once or twice a year to make recommendations about methodology, data sources and possible new estimation endeavours. Members may also provide inputs and feedback via emails to the UN IGME as needed. Members are not paid, though they are reimbursed for travel expenses to in-person meetings or workshops conducted by the UN IGME. In certain circumstances, TAG members may be contracted by agencies of the UN IGME to conduct specific pieces of research. The TAG members are officially acknowledged in the UN IGME annual publications, and sometimes invited to be co-authors for peer-reviewed journal articles. 


Those interested in joining the TAG should state their interest and qualification along with a recent CV to Kenneth Hill (TAG Chair) at Kenneth_hill_1@yahoo.com