T.V. Sekher

Professor and Head, Dept. of Family and Generations, & Centre for Ageing Studies


Field of Study: Demographie, Population et développement, Sociologie
Specialization: Vieillissement, Enfance et jeunesse, Education et scolarisation, Familles et ménages, Fécondité, Differenties des rôles par genre, Démographie historique, Mariage, Divorce et unions consensuelles, Politiques et éthique, Population et développement, Reproductive Health (Family Planning), Social Demography, Vulnerability and Human Rights
Regional focus: Asie du Sud
Education: Doctorat (Ph.D, MD), , Démographie, 1994
Other association membership in population or related fieldsIndian Association for the Study of Population (IASP)
Indian Association for the Study of Population, Indian Association for Social Sciences and Health (IASSH)
Working languages: Anglais
Malayalam, Hindi
Other association membership in population or related fields: Asian Population Association (APA), Population Association of America (PAA)
Curriculum Vitae:
Professional Summary:

Dr. T.V. Sekher is Professor at International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS), Mumbai. Trained in Demography and Sociology, his areas of research interests are social demography, gender issues and population ageing. Dr. Sekher was a Visiting Fellow at the Wellcome Trust Centre of UCL, London, Maison de Sciences la Homme, Paris, Oxford Brookes University,UK and Lund University in Sweden. He was a Fulbright Senior Fellow at Cornell University, USA. He is one of the Co-Principal Investigators of the studies undertaken by IIPS- District Level Household and Facility Survey (DLHS-3 & 4) for the Indian Ministry of Health. He is presently the Principal Investigator (PI) of  Study on Global Ageing and Adult Health (SAGE-India, sponsored by WHO) and Longitudinal Ageing Study in India-LASI (with Harvard School of Public Health and USC) .  He has authored and edited ten books, and has more than 100 research articles in national and international journals. Currently President of Indian Association for Social Sciences and Health (IASSH) from 2018 to 2022.



 ”Rural Demography of India” T.V.  Sekher, chapter  in L.J.Kulcsar and K.J.Curtis (Eds.) International Handbook of Rural Demography,  Springer, New York and London, 2012. 

 “Social networks, family, and care giving among older adults in India”. Berkman, L., Sekher, T.V., Capistrant, B., and Zheng, Y.  In J.P. Smith and M. Majmundar ( Eds.) Aging in Asia: Findings from New and Emerging Data Initiatives. Committee on Population, Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2012 

Unwanted Daughters: Gender Discrimination in Modern India (Eds.) T.V.Sekher  and Neelambar Hatti, Rawat Publications, Jaipur, 2009.

 “Disappearing Daughters and Intensification of Gender Bias: Evidence from Two Village Studies in South India”, T.V.Sekher and N. Hatti,  Sociological Bulletin, Vol.59 (1), 2010.

“Can Career-minded Young Women Reverse Gender Discrimination? A View from Bangalore‟s High-tech Sector”,  Alice W Clark and T.V.Sekher,   Gender, Technology and Development (Sage), Vol. 11 (3), 2007.

Health and Medicine in the Indian Princely States-1850 to 1950,  W. Ernst, B. Pati and T.V. Sekher, Routledge, London and New York, 2017.

Honorary or professional positions and awards:
Fulbright Senior Fellow, Cornell University, Ithaca, USA. (2016-17)

President, Indian Association for Social Sciences and Health ( IASSH)-2018 to 2022.

Indo-French Academic Exchange Fellow, Maison de Sciences la Homme, Paris, 2003

Visiting Fellow, Oxford Brookes University and Wellcome Trust, UK, 2009

Visiting Fellow, Lund University, Sweden, 2005

Managing Editor, Demography India journal- 2011 to 2015

Consultant to UNFPA and Unicef, India to Review CCT programs for Children (2010, 2015)

Joint Secretary, Indian Association for the Study of Population (IASP). 2011-2015

Member, IUSSP Scientific Panel on Family Demography and Family Law ( 2017-2021)

Member, Technical Advisory Committee, India Youth Development Report-2017, Govt. of India
Research grants:
Wellcome Trust Research Grant -2008-2011-History of Health and Medicine in Princely India (PI)

Swedish Research Council Grant- 2004-2006- Sex Ratio and Gender discrimination in India (PI)

UNFPA- 2010-2015- Conditional cash transfers ( CCTs) and promotion of girl children in India (PI)

Ford Foundation - Functional Review of Health Services in Karnataka, India, 2001-02 (PI)

World Bank- Restructuring Public Health Services at District level in Karnataka, India, 2003-05 ( Co-PI)

Govt. of India and NIH-Longitudinal Aging Study in India (LASI), jointly by IIPS, HSPH and USC -2017-2021 (PI)

World Health Organization, Geneva - Study of Global AGEing and Adult Health (SAGE-India)-2017-2021 (PI)