Sergi Vidal
Associate Professor
CED-CERCA / Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
CED-CERCA / Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Field of Study: Demographie, Sociologie
Regional focus: Europe occidentale
Working languages: Anglais
Catalan; Valencian, EspagnolOther association membership in population or related fields: European Association for Population Studies (EAPS)
Personal web page:
Professional web page:
Professional Summary:
I am a social demographer (PhD), currently appointed as a Ramón y Cajal research fellow at the Centre for Demographic Studies in the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona where I act as a head of the Generations and Life Course research group. I have substantive expertise in several fields of demographic research –particularly family dynamics and spatial mobility– and social inequality research –particularly housing and labour market outcomes. My research adopts life course and cross-national approaches, and uses state-of-the-art quantitative methods for the analysis of longitudinal data.
- Vidal, S. and Lersch, P. (2021) ‘Panel Data in Research on Mobility and Migration: A Review of Recent Advances.’ Comparative Population Studies, 46: 187-214.
- Vidal, S. Lersch, P. Jacob, M. and Hank, K.(2020) ‘Interdependencies in mothers’ and daughters’ work-family life course trajectories: Similar but different?’ Demography, 57: 1483-1511
- Vidal, S. and Huinink, J. (2019) ‘Introduction to the special collection on spatial mobility, family dynamics and gender relations.’ Demographic Research, 41: 593-616
- Vidal, S. and Baxter, J. (2018). ‘Residential relocations and academic performance of Australian children: A longitudinal analysis.’ Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, 9 (2): 133-156
- Vidal, S. Huinink, J. and Feldhaus, M. (2017). ‘Fertility Intentions and Residential Relocations.’ Demography, 54 (4): 1305-1330
Research grants:
Understanding mobility from early life into adulthood (LIFELONGMOVE). Consolidator Grant. European Research Council – Horizon Europe. 2022-2027