Ji-Ping Lin

Research Fellow
Academia Sinica Taiwan


Field of Study: Computer Studies, Demographie, Geographie, Statistique
Specialization: Démographie appliquée, Culture, religion et ethnicité, Collecte et traitement des données, Estimations et projections, Migration Interne, Migration internationale, Marché du travail / Emploi, Mathematical Demography, Population et développement, Social Demography, Spatial Analysis (and Geographic Information)
Regional focus: Etats Unis et Canada, Southeast Asia, East Asia
Education: Doctorat (Ph.D, MD), McMaster University, Geography, 1998
Working languages: Anglais
Other association membership in population or related fields: Asian Population Association (APA)
Curriculum Vitae:
Professional Summary:

(1)Bs.c. in Geography, National Taiwan University (Taiwan), 1988

(2)Ms.s. in Statistics, Natioanl Central University(Taiwan), 1990

Master thesis title: A Numerical Optimization Computing Method for Line Search Algorithm

(3)Ph.D. in Geography, McMaster University(Canada), 1998

Dissertation title: Labour Migration in Taiwan

(4) Postdoc fellow, IEAS, Academia Sinica, 1998-2000



1.    Ji-Ping Lin, 2017, “Human Relationship and Kinship Analytics from Big Data Based on Data Science: A Research on Ethnic Marriage and Identity Using Taiwan Indigenous Peoples as Example,” in Stuetzer et al. (ed)Computational Social Science in the Age of Big Data. Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. Herbert von Halem Verlag (Germany), Neue Schriften zur Online-Forschung of the German Society for Online Research. (forthcoming, to be published in Summer of 2017, refer to the attached acceptance letter of publication).   

2.   Ji-Ping Lin, 2016, “Taiwan Temporary Workers and Labor Marginalization in the Context of Segmented Labor Market, 1991-2010 (TRABAJADORES TEMPOREROS DE TAIWAN Y MARGINACIÓN LABORAL EN EL CONTEXTO DEL MERCADO DETRABAJO SEGMENTADO, 1991-2010)”, ARBOR Ciencia, Pensamiento y Cultura, Vol. 192, No.777, a291.

3.   Dorinda Tsai-Hsiu Liu, Ying-Hwa Chang, Paul Jen-Kuei Li, Ji-Ping Lin, 2015, “Language shift of Taiwan's indigenous peoples: a case study of Kanakanavu and Saaroa”, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 36(7): 729-749.

4.   Lin, Ji-Ping, 2013, “Are Native "Flights" from Immigration "Port of Entry" Pushed by Immigrants?: Evidence from Taiwan”, in E. Fong, N. Chiang, and N. Delton (ed.s) Immigrant Adaptation in Multiethnic Cities - Canada, Taiwan, and the U.S, Routledge.

5.    K.L. Liaw, J.P. Lin, and C.C. Liu, 2011, “Reproductive Contributions of Taiwan's Foreign Wives from the Top Five Source Countries”, Demographic Research, Vol. 24.26: 633-670, Germany: The Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Germany (cited in ISI Web of Science, ISI Social Sciences Citation Index, The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Elsevier Scopus, RePEc, Sociological Abstracts, and History Journal.



Honorary or professional positions and awards:
McMaster Scholarship, 1994-1998

Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica, Postdoc Fellowship, 1998-2000

Wu Da-yu Memorial Award, National Science Council (NSC), 2003

Senior Scholar Award, CCU, 2003

NSC Distinguished Research Grants, 2004-2006

NOST Distinguished Research Methodology Grant, 2014
Research grants:
1. Constructing Large-scale Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Population Database With Micro Registration Population Administration Records: Record Linkage as Longitudinal and Multi-dimensional as Cross-sectional . (1.3 million USD, 2013-2018, Academia Sinica and Council of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples)

2. Construction & Planning of Taiwan Social Development Indicators with GIS (600 thousand USD, 2007-2013, Research Council of Evaluation and Development)

3, research programs supported from National Science Council (2000-2014, 2017-2019)