Demography and the Data Revolution: lessons learned and the way forward

Tuesday 24 November 2020
14:00-15:30 UTC
(9-10:30 am EST / 15:00-16:30 CET / 19:30-21:00 IST)
The video and audio recording started late and thus the first 2-3 minutes are not included. We apologize for the inconvenience.
View Part 1
Listen to the audio file:
View Part 2 (Discussion)
Webinar description
Between 2014 and 2020, IUSSP delivered a work programme designed to cultivate and strengthen links between the fields of demography and data science. Its aim was to foster methodological advances to enhance demographers’ capacity to conduct cutting-edge research on data for development; to increase their contribution to the data revolution by ensuring the use of more accurate and timely evidence; and to enable decision makers, academic researchers and civil society representatives to make better use of population data to inform development policy. The project resulted in a plethora of well-documented workshops, trainings and other activities, and also led IUSSP to ask how well its project had succeeded qualitatively, where it had been less successful and why; and how this work should influence its future strategy and the broader global community of demographers. IUSSP commissioned ODI to prepare a study addressing these questions, based on interviews with demographers, data scientists and other stakeholders. This webinar will share the emerging results and invite participants’ reflections.
Session Format
The format of the event will be a public webinar. The event will open with a brief presentation of the ODI report, followed by a panel discussion in which the moderator will invite the speakers to deliver brief opening remarks and respond to specific questions (see details below). The moderator will then invite comments or questions from the online audience and deliver closing remarks.
This session includes:

Louise Shaxson
(Director of Digital Societies Programme, Overseas Development Institute)

Ruth Levine
(CEO and Partner of IDinsight)

Vissého Adjiwanou (Université du Québec à Montréal)

Sam Clark (Professor, Department of Sociology, The Ohio State University)

Claire Melamed (Chief Executive Officer at Global Partnership for Sustainable Development)

Tom Moultrie (Professor of Demography, University of Capetown)

Emmanuel Letouzé (Director and co-Founder of Data-Pop Alliance)