The aims of the study are to analyze the older person characteristics and social protection for elderly in Indonesia. Using the quantitative data from 2010 NSES, and 2010 Indonesian Population Census. Total sample of 2010 was 88,210 elderly; there were 46.6% male and 53.4% female older person. In their family, they have been living as a head household (57.5%) and 21.2% as a parents/in-laws. The highest percentage of older person marital status was married (83%) and 60% of female older person was widows. Education level still low, 57% of older person was under secondary school. Around 73 percent of the elderly still work. Only 1.4% elderly have public health insurance, and less than 1% for a health card and poor letter (SKTM). Meanwhile the social security still not yet establish, only from Ministry of Social Affair have provided the social assistance for the older poor and bed ridden (13,500 persons). They receive around 300 thousand rupiahs per month.
Until now, the level of education, income and health of elderly still low. They reached old before rich. While the government has not been able to provide social security for all elderly, only less than one percent of poor older person receive their social assistance.
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Submitted by lilis.miscicih on