This paper examines demographic transition and the emerging widows of opportunities and challenges for economic development in Bangladesh. The data for the study come from different sources such as censuses and the national level surveys. Population projections based estimates are used to describe the different aspects and consequences of future demographic transition and demographic bonuses. Bangladesh is passing through a crucial phase of demographic transition primarily due to falling fertility and mortality that leads to changes in the size and age structure of the rapidly growing population of the country. Working population of age 25 to 64 that usually has high activity rates will increase in relative and absolute terms at least until 2041, while the younger segment (aged 15 to 24) - a proxy of those entering for the first time into the labor force- in contrast, will have negative growth rates. As a result, Bangladesh is likely to achieve the demographic window of opportunities and that opportunity may be achieved by 2021 and it may continue until 2041. This bonus, however, can only be claimed if full employment and higher productivity are pursued.. Taking up and understanding demographic challenges must therefore be a priority for the government of Bangladesh.
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Submitted by mmazhar.islam on