Different surveys were giving different results about malnutrition of young children. The objective of this paper are: (i) to assess the quality of anthropometric and age data of children of the Multiple Cluster Indicator Survey (MICS) of Somalia 2006, and (ii) to identify the sources of errors and (iii) to suggest recommendations for improving data. Consistency checking of the indices, deviation from the expected pattern of age distribution, age specific malnutrition, and distribution of digits of weight and height were used as measuring tools of errors. Some qualitative data were collected by interviewing key survey persons and checking the filled in questionnaire and data files. National Nutrition Survey (NNS) and DHS data were used for comparison. Some errors in weight and height data were present. But mainly error in age makes the estimate of malnutrition unexpectedly high. Different sources of errors were identified. Error in age, weight and height data need serious attention to make estimate of malnutrition meaningful. Good training, supervision, and equipment are essential for obtaining good quality weight and height data. In addition to all of these, necessary methods and tools including a calendar of local events should be developed, tested and used for good age data.
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