Martha B. Melo
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Argentine
School of Public Health
Emotional and physical abuses suffered in childhood have been conceptualized as an important predictor of adolescent sexual behavior.
When young people grow with violent family interactions, the onset of sexual life is conditioned by insecurity, low self-esteem and a strong interdependence with the partner
Objective: This study gives a contribution in the understanding of causal relation between violence in childhood and risk sexual behavior among adolescents in Argentine
We analyze the impact of violence in relation with some outcome variables: premature sexual initiation, sexual promiscuity, use of contraceptive methods and the risk to be diagnosed with sexual transmitted diseases.
Similarly we analyze gender differences, socioeconomic status, and educational level
We study adolescent sexual behavior considering 5 outcomes variables: age of sexual debut, sexual promiscuity, use of birth control methods, use of condom, and the number of diagnosed sexually transmitted diseases in the last year.
Just we completed the quantitative study with a qualitative study
We conclude that violence in childhood does not predict in a univocal way the sexual behaviors in adolescence
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Argentine
School of Public Health
Emotional and physical abuses suffered in childhood have been conceptualized as an important predictor of adolescent sexual behavior.
When young people grow with violent family interactions, the onset of sexual life is conditioned by insecurity, low self-esteem and a strong interdependence with the partner
Objective: This study gives a contribution in the understanding of causal relation between violence in childhood and risk sexual behavior among adolescents in Argentine
We analyze the impact of violence in relation with some outcome variables: premature sexual initiation, sexual promiscuity, use of contraceptive methods and the risk to be diagnosed with sexual transmitted diseases.
Similarly we analyze gender differences, socioeconomic status, and educational level
We study adolescent sexual behavior considering 5 outcomes variables: age of sexual debut, sexual promiscuity, use of birth control methods, use of condom, and the number of diagnosed sexually transmitted diseases in the last year.
Just we completed the quantitative study with a qualitative study
We conclude that violence in childhood does not predict in a univocal way the sexual behaviors in adolescence
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35 444
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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