Harmful Widowhood Practice (HWP) is an obnoxious inhuman treatment following the death of their husbands. They are the Umuadas - the daughters married outside their community, family members and community because of the prevalent cultural norms. The HWP is a common traditional practice in most African societies. In Nigeria, it is predominantly practiced in Igboland. The traditional HWPs are wife and assets inheritance including sexual cleansings. The study therefore examined the HWPs in Igboland, Nigeria
The study adopted qualitative method of data collection. Validated and structured interview guide was used for data collection. The 241 widows identified in 5 communities of OMC were randomly selected and interview for the study. Data collected were analysed using thematic approach
Findings of the investigation reveal harmful widow practices persisted in 5 communities of OMC and possibly apply to all parts of Nigeria due to Igbo world perception about deaths, its causes, marriage and umuadas ruthless behaviour in implementing widowhood practices. Efforts of change agents e.g. churches, NGOs & governments to curb the harmful cultural practices proved abortive due to inadequate legislation
HWP is common in Nigeria therefore for the achievement of MDGs in Africa government should provide legislation for the protection of widows
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52 709
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Submitted by King.Odor on