Using qualitative data based on 154 participants from 18 focus group discussion and 16 key informant and in-depth interviews, information on men’s involvement in family planning and contraceptive use was collected. The study objective was to examine in-depth explanations for men’s non-involvement in family planning services and promotion of contraceptive use. Of interest men aged 15 to 54 and women in the reproductive age group participated in the group discussions. Selection was based on age, gender, residence of the participants. While the criteria for inclusion for the indepth interviews was based on those who had reported the highest number of children born or fathered. Data collection was done until we reached saturation. Manifest content analysis was used to identify key thematic areas for data analysis. Results show men’s lack of interest in contraceptive use. Limited method choices for men, affected by side effects, domestic violence in families where women used contraceptives stealthily and marital breakdown. In conclusion, there is an urgent need for introduction of other male contraceptives and an integrated family planning approach for both men and women at all levels. Men ought to be brought on board as without them contraceptive uptake will remain continuously low in patriarchal societies.
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50 092
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