The Katanga Province in the south-east of DRC covers an area of 496,877 square kms with an estimated population over 11.462.290 inhabitants out of 68% are under age of 25 ; maternal mortality rate is high 612 per 100.000 live births; the modern CPR is low 2,3%; one in four adolescent girls aged 15-19 has already given birth or been pregnant. HIV prevalence rate is 5,6%. However, local authorities’ financial commitment to advance ICPD agenda is strong. Thus, UNFPA decided to support provincial government’s initiatives where financial commitment is expressed.Three types of programs were identified: i) Maternal and newborn health; ii) Integrating Youth Friendly Services and HIV prevention; iii) Availability of data for development. The key challenge faced was the limited resources of UNFPA and youth community as well. Advocacy and BCC activities, building alliances with media professionals, partnerships, resources mobilization and auto financing were implemented. From 2009 to date, the local government has invested 15,000,000USD for renovation/ construction of over 15 maternity wards and health facilities, 383,000USD for construction of the multifunctional youth center including promotion HIV VCT and 262,901USD for the setting up of a population statistics center to avail accurate data in prevision of the census.
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52 905
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Appui aux efforts des autorités locales dans la reduction de la mortalité maternelle, Experience du Katanga.
Submitted by Jeannette.Danho on