Public health impact of the dual epidemic of Tuberculosis and HIV poses a major challenge today, particularly in high prevalent countries like India. HIV is the most powerful risk factor for progression from TB infection to TB disease. TB in turn accelerates the progression of HIV to AIDS and shortens survival of patients with HIV infection. The two diseases are a fatal combination and far more destructive together than either disease alone. There have been many studies on HIV to TB transition but reverse link needs to be probed. Data from RNTCP (Revised National TB Control Program Management) and MDACS (Mumbai District AIDS Control Society) show that HIV infection rate among TB patients in Maharashtra is around five per cent. Cure rate of HIV infected TB patients dwindles by 14 per cent vis-a-vis NSP-TB infection alone. Mortality rate of TB-HIV co-infection is four times higher while defaulter rate is almost double against pure TB patients. Efforts to tackle TB and HIV have been largely in-congruent; despite their overlapping epidemiology. Availability of up-to-date, good quality data on HIV-TB co-infected patients and Institutionalized integration of TB and HIV control is therefore, imperative for improving compliance thereby enhancing TB-HIV control management program efficacy.
Key words: TB, HIV, Co-infection
Key words: TB, HIV, Co-infection
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Event ID
Session 2
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49 863
Type of Submissions
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