The coastal zone of Bangladesh hosts over 35 million people where 3 million are extremely vulnerable and exposed to adverse effect of climate change. They lose working days for substantial increase of cyclone, flood, frequent signal number 3 or above in the Bay. The objective of this research was to reduce fisher boat capsize and house collapse by identifying existing adaptation and develop adaptation strategies on boat, house, and homestead design. The research was conducted in three coastal locations of Noakhali district from 2010 to 2012. Focus group discussions, participatory rural appraisal, interviewing local elderly people were conducted and professionals were engaged to design implementation strategies. Result shows that coastal people experience increased temperature, cyclone, rain, water logging, siltation, salinity, erosion, and flood. The existing adaptation includes using radio and mobile phone while fishing, using strong boat and making house on high land. Proposed strategies for fishing boat are using more than 30 feet length, putting at least 3 longitudinal bar along upper side, using enough vertical side bars and avoiding plank joints on boat front. The homestead measures include reduction in house height, use of cross bracing of wall frame, roof tying with extra-post by nylon ropes.
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53 072
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