
Quadriga Talks


 Social cohesion in the face of a 

diversifying population


How can we ensure future social cohesion in the face of a diversifying population not only in terms of origin and gender but also in terms of age, health, educational attainment, access to the labour market and family structures? We look forward to discussing this question in our Quadriga Talks Zoom webinar series.


We would be delighted to welcome you at the following event.


From brain drain to brain boost? What immigration means for our future

Monday, 12 December 2022 from 6:30 to 7:30 PM CET

(German with English Translation)




Prof. Dr. Helga A.G. de Valk

Director of the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute and Honorary President of the European Association for Population Studies, The Hague


Our societies are increasingly diverse and this applies in particular to children and young adults. Young people in schools and those entering the labour market are a diverse group with different migrant and non-migrant backgrounds. How can we make sure that their talent is used in our advanced economies? What can be done to foster equal labour market access and participation for all those residing and arriving in our society? And how can we tackle potential gender differences? Demographic life course studies have advanced the insights into these processes. This talk will focus on how the life courses of migrants and their descendants are shaped in (early) adulthood.


