Cardiovascular disease (CVD) account for about one-third of all deaths worldwide and more than half of these occurred in developing countries. Little is known about the demographic impact of the disease in Africa. This paper used demographic methods to examine the impact of cardiovascular disease mortality on the overall mortality in South Africa. We used the mortality data from the WHO Statistical Information System (WHOSIS) for South Africa in 2005 to estimate gains in life expectancy and chances of survival had cardiovascular disease been eliminated from the population in 2005, given the age-and cause-specific mortality conditions of the period. The results showed that CVD accounted for more than one-tenth of male and female deaths in this population. There was a probable gain in life expectancy at birth (5.2 years for males and 0.9 year for females) and chances of survival also increased when CVD was eliminated. Effective intervention need to be put in place in South Africa so as to minimize the risk factors of the disease. This will eventually help to improve the health status in the country which has already been over-burdened with HIV/AIDS.
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Submitted by Olutobi.Sanuade on