Today, in the era of globalisation Indian diasporic population is one of the major contributing populations in the world’s workforce. International migration is an ever- growing phenomenon that has important development implication for both sending and receiving countries. For sending country, migrant’s remittances leading the increased income, poverty reduction, improved health and education outcomes, and promote economic development. This paper mainly examine the role of Indian immigrates in GCCs and their remittances in the context of development impact of place of origin countries i.e. India. It is estimated by the Govt of India, 25 million Indian diasporic populations are living across the different of world. It constituted as NRI, PIO, and OCI. Out of them approximately 6 million are working as skilled and semi-skilled/unskilled labourer in the gulf region. About 95 per cent them are belonging semi-skilled and unskilled workers. GCCs countries are the main contributing source of this remittance India rather than other. Among the world’s top 20 countries in terms of receiving remittances, India stands the first position in 2010. This paper also analysed the state wise Indian emigrants’ data as well as the trend of Indian migrants’ communities in the Gulf countries.
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