In India, elementary education is fundamental right, through 86th constitutional amendment in 2002. Since then India is striving to achieve universal elementary education through Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA. The school enrolment in EAG states is lower than national average. Government of EAG states have challenge of keeping pace of educational investment with higher number of children due to high fertility, achieving 100 percent enrolment and improving quality of education. The paper looks into quantitative assessment of educational progress at various educational grades and number of pupils using alternative assumptions on enrolment and drop-out rates in different grades. Results depict the highest probability of completing primary level found in Orissa and lowest in Bihar. The highest number of droppers during the primary education is found among Bihar. It may be observed that (e1) is greater than e0 for almost all the EAG states.
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Submitted by praveen.chokhandre on