India is the first country to launch the official family planning(FP) programme in the world, but missed the goals set every time. Since the big political turmoil due to coercive sterilization campaign in 1975, no political segment wants to be firm on the programme. Moreover, the programme managers have not been successful in translating the ICPD's approach (free from fear and coercion) and added more confusions since the launch of RCH programme in 1997. Thus, the country left much behind in the achievements of FP progress. In 2009, the Indian government initiated the repositioning of FP service in health agenda. Thus, this paper aims to study the contraceptive security(CS) by modifying USAID concept of CS in context of India and its major states. The paper deals with issue of finance, health and social environment, access and utilization of FP services. It is clear from the result that financing to FP services enhances the contraceptive security.
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49 867
Type of Submissions
Regular session only
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Weight in Programme
1 000
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Submitted by Shekhariips on