The aim of this research is to study the effects of leadership six intelligence on hardiness and mental health. To test the research hypothesis, path analysis testing is used by using Liserl software and also Pierson’s correlation coefficience and analysis multiple linear regressions. Multiple regression equation showed that chalenge and commitment have more positive effects on predicting mental health and emotional intelligence, social intelligence and spiritual intelligence were the best predictor of hardiness. Then, by means of factor analysis, the questions of the questionnaires were studied to be used in the path analysis model and finally the useful questions in the model were selected based on the number of questions for each variable according to the sample size and also their potentiality to enter the model that RMSEA = 0.48 level in the model of path analyzing represents suitable fitness of research model and K-square testing conclusion shows the harmony between model with empirical reality. The amount of t in nonstandard for leadership six intelligence and hardiness is 3.22 , leadership six intelligence with mental health is 3.54 and hardiness with mental health is 2.89 which were meaningful in the model of analyzing these variations connecting route.
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Submitted by parva.asadi on