
Population ageing is a triumph and a challenge for development in the 21st century. The population of Russia is rapidly ageing, and with ageing progress the need for thorough analysis of this process increases. Demographic development of Russia is characterized by very high mortality difference by sex and by significant imbalance between males and females in population age composition.

The paper aims at analysing gender differences in ageing development in the Russian Federation since the beginning of the 1990s.

Changes in number and percentage of the elderly (60+) and the number of males per 1000 females in older age groups are considered. Special attention is given to gender gap in life expectancy at older ages. Regional aspect is touched on, and comparisons with developed European countries are made.

The paper is based on censuses (including the last 2010 census) and data on vital events.

Ageing process in Russia is characterized by significant imbalance between males and females in population age structure, moreover, the older is the age the greater is imbalance. Male life expectancy is lower than female one, leading to high prevalence of widowhood, the latter increasing with age. Without taking account of gender differences, ageing policies are doomed to be ineffective.

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35 371
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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Initial Second Choice
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Submitted by Gaiané.Safarova on