Commonly, methods such as rate-ratios and rate-differentials are applied to assess inter-temporal, inter-regional and inter-group progress. However, an indiscriminate application of these methods is identified as an area for concern. In particular, rate-ratios are sensitive to the adopted definition of an indicator (achievement or failure) and tend to be larger (smaller) at lower (higher) overall levels. Clearly, they are effective only when considered along with overall levels and the adopted definition of the indicator. Also, it is critical that the progress is assessed both in terms of achievement and the effort toward achievement. Given such intricacies, this paper reviews the existing methods for progress assessment and discusses an alternative level-sensitive approach that informs regarding effort and offers similar conclusions irrespective of the adopted definition of the indicator. Data from the official MDG monitoring database is analysed to present an international comparison of achievements in reducing child and infant mortality rates.
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53 410
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Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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Submitted by william.joe@gm… on