In Japan due to the rapid population aging and its large financial pressure on pay-as-you-go retirement systems, the economic impact of bequest wealth has been drawing a tremendous amount of attention. Despite that, there are neither official statistics on bequest for the whole population nor analyses of the historical evolution of bequest. Our study fills this gap by offering an estimate of bequest in Japan from 1850 to 2100, based on a computable general equilibrium model with realistic demography. Our model shows that the historical evolution of the bequest-to-output ratio follows the same U-shaped pattern described by Piketty(2011) for France. Moreover, we estimate that the annual flow of bequest represented between 4% and 6% of output in the year 2000 and it is expected to reach between 7% and 13% of the output by year 2100.
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Event ID
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49 004
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Regular session only
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Submitted by matsukura.riki… on