In many parts of the world, the sexual behaviours of Adolescents and youth are rapidly changing, the opening of border to new influences, migration, and changing traditions. The nature of sexual behaviour of adolescents and youth now places them at a high risk for unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections including HIV. The objective of this paper is to assess knowledge attitude and practices of sexuality among Nepalese adolescents and youths. Data for this analysis will be derived from the Nepal Adolescents and Youth Survey, 2010/11. The data is collected from personal interviews with a nationally representative probabilistic 14753 sample of 10-24 ages’ adolescents and youth. Exploratory data analysis will used to investigate various associations, structures and trends/patterns of the datasets. Series of graphical techniques will be made use of in order to carry such investigations. Model building process will be processed, by considering the complexities in the dataset. Gaussion/non-Gaussian setting will be applied to get best explain of knowledge, attitude and practices of sexuality among Nepalese adolescents and youth. The great value of this paper is application of various statistical models (Gaussian / non-Gaussian) on sexuality. Key words: Adolescents and Youth, Gaussian,
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Session 2
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