Most of the young people are at the risk because they don’t have proper knowledge, health services, and social support which are essentials for sexual and reproductive health. Utilizing the data “Youth in India: Situation and Needs (2006-07)” explore the comprehensive knowledge of HIV/AIDS among male and female with respect to marital status in India. Bi-variate analysis multivariate; PCA and logistic regression methods are used in the study. PCA used for the measuring the women agency. Freedom of movement, decision making and self efficacy are the domain of agency. Linkages between women agency and comprehensive knowledge of HIV/AIDS are positively related to young women. Women belonging to high agency have better comprehensive knowledge of HIV/AIDS comparatively those women belong to lower and medium agency. Knowledge gap between male and female finding shows that, more than 10 years of schooling comprehensive knowledge of HIV/AIDS married Male (75%) and female (72%) where as unmarried male (64%) and unmarried female (59%). Age, current working status, Mass media exposure, wealth index, residence are appeared as a significant predictor for the knowledge of HIV/AIDS. There is a need to make strategic plan, especially for the women for increasing the awareness level of comprehensive knowledge of HIV/AIDS
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Submitted by Rajan Kumar Gupt on