All the countries are developing at different rates & from differing historical levels of achievement. Such development with a view to meeting the socio-economic needs implies that man must use nature in the process of development. It is not that the life-style has changed altogether; the economy in the remote areas is still the same as it has been since the settlements started, but the areas enjoying accessibility to urban centres have already adopted a different character, as profoundly manifest in their day-to-day life.
The physical environment influences the type of economic activities especially so in backward areas of Darjeeling Hills. Rapid growth of population has become the most critical development constraint in Darjeeling Himalaya. Its economy is largely based on tea, agriculture & tourism, where the former has played a significant role in the development of the region since the beginning. It reveals from the study that the area under study proves to be a complicated region requiring considerable care & attention in the matter of intensive development.
The physical environment influences the type of economic activities especially so in backward areas of Darjeeling Hills. Rapid growth of population has become the most critical development constraint in Darjeeling Himalaya. Its economy is largely based on tea, agriculture & tourism, where the former has played a significant role in the development of the region since the beginning. It reveals from the study that the area under study proves to be a complicated region requiring considerable care & attention in the matter of intensive development.
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