In 2009, the government of indonesia issued Law No. 52 regarding ‘Population and Family Development‘ which stipulates that population should become the center of all development policies and programs. Nevertheless, perceptions regarding the concept of population-centred development and the importance of population data for development planning differ among district governments. The aim of this paper is to identify the use of population data in the process of planning and policy-making at district level. This study uses qualitative approach. Data were collected in 2012 using in-depth interviews with government agencies officers and parliament members. It is revealed that the study areas have translated laws related to development planning into district regulations, however there are barriers in implementing the regulations. This study identifies several issues in the utilization of population data for planning and policy-making: dissemination and accessibility; data quality and reliability; and policymakers’ commitment and capacity to use population data in planning and policy-making. Recommendations of this study include: increase policymakers’ commitment and capacity to use population data through collaboration with Population Study Center at local universities; improving data quality and reliability; strengthening dialogue bet
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Submitted by rina.herartri on