The Unique Identification (UID) programme was launched at a time when India was struggling to manage its vastly-distributed public welfare schemes. It will be the first scheme which will provide each and every citizen a proof of identity regardless of his or her socio-economic profile and the only scheme to provide the same proof of identity without any pre-requisite documents of identity or address. Most importantly, the programme is unique in its quasi-mandate and inclusion of biometrics.

The paper explores the important concerns about inclusion of bio-metrics in service delivery and the vision of the implementing authority of the Unique Identification system being implemented in India with a human rights prespective. It also aims to find out people’s perception of inclusion of biometrics and their motivations behind enrolment for the UID.

A mix method approach was adopted. It included in-depth interviews with key informants and quantitative KAP surveys with people who came for enrollment.

The findings of the study reveal the government's vision of UID in public service delivery and main challenges that it faces. The paper also finds out the public perception of and expectation from UID and rationale behind people's justification of biometrics.
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Submitted by anshuman.sharma on