Title: Demographic Characteristics of the Elderly in Cambodia and Policy Implications
Authors: Hang Lina, National Institute of Statistics, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Meng Kimhor, National Institute of Statistics, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Nott Rama Rao*, International Census and Survey Consultant , Chennai,
India ( formerly with UNFPA)
Abstract: Population ageing is no longer a demographic problem confined to the advanced countries. With declining fertility and mortality many among the developing nations find themselves in the third stage of demographic transition. Cambodia is one among them. The proportion of elderly population (aged 60 and more) has increased from about 5 per cent to 6.3 per cent during 1998-2008 and it is projected to touch the 11 per cent mark in 2030.
Utilizing the Census and Survey data, the paper analyses the changing population age structure which will prove useful in monitoring and implementation of the National Strategic Development Plan which is underway. Cambodia is among the poorest countries of the world and any increase in the elderly population who are mainly dependent on the working age population gives rise to several social and economic problems.
Authors: Hang Lina, National Institute of Statistics, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Meng Kimhor, National Institute of Statistics, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Nott Rama Rao*, International Census and Survey Consultant , Chennai,
India ( formerly with UNFPA)
Abstract: Population ageing is no longer a demographic problem confined to the advanced countries. With declining fertility and mortality many among the developing nations find themselves in the third stage of demographic transition. Cambodia is one among them. The proportion of elderly population (aged 60 and more) has increased from about 5 per cent to 6.3 per cent during 1998-2008 and it is projected to touch the 11 per cent mark in 2030.
Utilizing the Census and Survey data, the paper analyses the changing population age structure which will prove useful in monitoring and implementation of the National Strategic Development Plan which is underway. Cambodia is among the poorest countries of the world and any increase in the elderly population who are mainly dependent on the working age population gives rise to several social and economic problems.
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47 954
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