Several estimates of maternal mortality ratio (MMR), expressed as the number of maternal deaths per 100,000 live births are available for Cambodia since 1995, which give a picture of inexplicable fluctuations. The first estimate is 473, from the KAP Survey on Fertility and Contraception 1995. The Cambodia Demographic and Health Survey 2000, Intercensal Population Survey 2004 and Cambodia Demographic and Health Survey 2005 yielded estimates of 437 during 1995-2000, 491 during 2003- 2004 and 472 during 2000-2005 respectively. The MMR estimated from the General Population Census of 2008 is 461 during 2007- 2008. These estimates are considered not significantly different implying no change in maternal mortality in Cambodia during 1995-2008. But the MMR estimated from the latest Demographic and Health Survey of 2010 shows a steep decline to 206 during 2005-2010. The aim of this paper is to critically review the estimates of MMR from 1995 to 2010, including the data, methods of estimation and trends in the immediate and distant determinants of maternal mortality, and examine the theoretical implications of such rapid decline in maternal mortality. The methodology will basically comprise reviews of data, methods of estimation and other relevant literature.
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