Life expectancy at birth has been widely used as indicator of overall health of population. It is the only single indicator which captures the effects of multi-dimensional development in socio-economic and health aspects of a country in a real sense. Globally, life expectancy has increased commendably over the last few decades. India too has reserved pace with the other countries in health status performance. Decline in mortality in India from 1970-75 to 2001-06 resulted in gains in expectation of life for both males and females though the improvement in the male life expectancy was slightly higher. Over the last four decades, life expectancy in India has increased from 50 to 63 years. This paper examines: i) the levels and trends in life expectancy at birth in India and its major states during 1970-2006; ii) the effects of improvement in age-specific mortality rates on the gains in life expectancy at birth by sex and residence from 1970-75 to 2001-06 & iii) a panel regression analysis to assess the transition in life expectancy at birth and its determinants.
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Submitted by Gopal.Agrawal on