There is not much knowledge on migration of the Classic period of ancient Mesoamerica. Therefore, this poster illustrates the analysis of the reach and limitations that anthropologists encountered when they tried to document migration patterns of the past populations of this pre-Hispanic time. In fact, with the migration patterns exposed by Manning, we will explain the type of migratory patterns found in two Mesoamerican sites located in Mexico, the ancient city of Teotihuacan and the Maya site Oxtankah. Note that this analysis requires bio-archaeological data for a social understanding of the historical, economic, political development process of these two populations in relation to human movement.
Key words: human mobility, Mesoamerica, migration patterns, Teotihuacán, Oxtankah
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Event ID
Paper presenter
56 303
Type of Submissions
Poster session only
Language of Presentation
Weight in Programme
1 000
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Submitted by jorge.archer on