Ann Moore

Principal Research Scientist
Guttmacher Institute

Field of Study: Demographie, Sociologie
Specialization: Fécondité, Differenties des rôles par genre, Démographie qualitative, Reproductive Health (Family Planning)
Regional focus: Amérique latine et Caraïbes, Afrique sub-saharienne, Asie du Sud, Southeast Asia
Education: Doctorat (Ph.D, MD), The University of Texas at Austin, Démographie, 2004
Inter-agency for Working Group for Reproductive Health in Crises
Working languages: Anglais
Portuguese (Brazil), Espagnol, Français
Other association membership in population or related fields: Asian Population Association (APA), Population Association of America (PAA), Union for African Population Studies (UAPS)
Curriculum Vitae:
Professional Summary:

I am a qualitative demographer focused on reproductive health issues in the United States, Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and Southeast Asia. Substantively, I am engaged with sexual negotiation, adolescents, contraceptive use, abortion (incidence, sequelae, costs, attitudes), reproductive empowerment, intimate partner violence, and maternal morbidity. More recently, I have become engaged with reproductive health issues in humanitarian crisis contexts as well as capacity-strengthening activities with colleagues based at institutions with less access to resources, including reproducibility practices. I am currently working on:

·        Menstrual regulation, abortion and postabortion care among Rohingya refugees in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh.

·        Abortion-related maternal morbidity (near-miss and potentially life-threatening) in fragile states (Central African Republic and northern Nigeria).

·        Adolescent sexual and reproductive health in Uganda and Mozambique.

·        Capacity-strengthening through training on abortion research methods with colleagues in Sub-Saharan Africa…


Moore, Ann M., Juliette Ortiz Romero, Blades, Nakeisha, Hannah Whitehead, Cristina Villarreal. 2021. Women’s Experiences Using Drugs to Induce Abortion Acquired in the Informal Sector in Colombia: Qualitative interviews with users in Bogotá and the Coffee Axis. Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters. Accepted.

Moore, Ann M., Jesse Philbin, Iwan Ariawan, Meiwita Budiharsana, Rachel Murro, Riznawaty Imma Aryanty, Akinrinola Bankole. 2020. Online misoprostol sales in Indonesia: a quality of care assessment. Studies in Family Planning. 51(4): 295-308.

Moore, Ann M., Nakeisha Blades, Juliette Ortiz, Hannah Whitehead, Cristina Villarreal. 2020. Women’s experiences accessing and using misoprostol acquired through the informal sector in Colombia. BMJ Sexual and Reproductive Health. 46:294–300.

Moore, Ann M., Melissa Stillman, Manas Pradhan, Rajib Acharya, Shveta Kalyanwala, Chander Shekhar, Susheela Singh, Manoj Alagarajan. 2019. Medical Methods of Abortion Provision in Facilities in India: A six state comparison. Global Public Health. 14(12): 1757-1769.

Singh, Susheela, Chander Shekhar, Rajib Acharya, Ann M. Moore, Melissa Stillman, Manoj Alagarajan, Jennifer Frost, Manas Pradhan, Harihar Sahoo, Rubina Hussain, Aparna Sundaram, Michael Vlassoff, Shveta Kalyanwala, Alyssa Browne. 2018. The Incidence of abortion and unintended pregnancy in India, 2015. The Lancet Global Health. 6: e111–20.

Research grants:
ELRHA. Co-Investigator. The study of the magnitude and severity of abortion-related near miss morbidity in African humanitarian settings. 2018-2022

FCDO & the Dutch Government. Project Principal. Abortion in humanitarian crisis contexts: Initiating a study to understand menstrual regulation (MR) and abortion among the Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh. 2020-2021.

Anonymous Donor. Co-investigator. Capacity-strengthening on abortion research methods. 2021-2023.

Global Affairs Canada. Co-investigator. Formative research on adolescent sexual and reproductive health service use in the Eastern region (Butaleja and Budaka districts) and West Nile region (Nebbi and Arua districts), Uganda; and the Province of Nampula, Mozambique.