Sexual behaviour among young people is characterized by erratic, infrequent and unplanned sexual activities, a trend that exposes them to unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections including HIV. While sexual activity among young women begins early, contraceptive knowledge and use remain low. According to the Kenya Demographic & Health Survey, 2008-09, current contraceptive use (modern methods) among women aged 15-19 and 20-24 is 5% and 24% respectively. Existing communications were mainly targeted at married women, highlighting the need to limit family size or space births, thereby causing a disconnect with the youth whose needs are mainly to delay child bearing. To provide credible information that will dispel myths and misconceptions about modern family planning methods (MFPMs) and use, this paper seeks to: 1) understand method specific myths and misconceptions about MFPMs; 2) recommend appropriate approaches to inform behaviour change communication targeting young women.
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Event ID
Session 2
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34 816
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
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