According to the data and gender study from all over the world in the last twenty year, shows women are left behind than man on science and technology especially in education, carrier or participation on decision making, it including in Indonesia, (UNCSTD, 1995 dan UNESCO, 2007). Women disadvantages in science and technology in acess to get benefit on development and science and technology use.
The needs of information for women through IT to support their role in domestic and public are very complex. This study try to figure out women information needs on IT, in different group of women such as household women, enterpreuner and social activist in three different places. FGD was done to those different women groups. Prospective analysis was used to look the prioritiy according women on content in Kendal and Bandung.
This study shows that women needs on information are related with education, health and economy (enterpreuneur). This information also connect with women role in family as a wife or mother. Most of the women are lack of knowledge and access to IT due to: gender role, lack of property rights (such as komputer, internet, handpone), and women tend to high dependency to fulfill information needs from family and other people.
The needs of information for women through IT to support their role in domestic and public are very complex. This study try to figure out women information needs on IT, in different group of women such as household women, enterpreuner and social activist in three different places. FGD was done to those different women groups. Prospective analysis was used to look the prioritiy according women on content in Kendal and Bandung.
This study shows that women needs on information are related with education, health and economy (enterpreuneur). This information also connect with women role in family as a wife or mother. Most of the women are lack of knowledge and access to IT due to: gender role, lack of property rights (such as komputer, internet, handpone), and women tend to high dependency to fulfill information needs from family and other people.
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Event ID
Session 2
Paper presenter
48 435
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Initial First Choice
Initial Second Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
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