The dynamics of out-migration is an intrinsic part of development process. The process of out-migration may unfold itself differently in two different regions. A poor household may adopt the strategy of out-migration to supplement the basic necessities of its survival; while in better-off household out-migration can be an accumulative strategy to improve its relative position in society. Bihar and Punjab are two different regions of India which retain a long tradition of out-migration. Out-migration from Bihar is considered as a support system for the poor family, associated to underdevelopment in the region. Out-migration from Punjab, which is mostly inter-national in its nature, taken up mostly by well-off families. The evidence from NSS 64th Round, shows a clear variation in the process and pattern of out-migration. From Bihar, migration from family of agricultural laborer is highest, who are poorest, while in Punjab Migration of farmers is higher, who are richest in the region. Amount of remittance received by the household of Punjab is clearly very high compared to the household of Bihar. However, remittance in both of the state is mostly being used in consumption needs. It shows the importance of migration for sustainability of livelihood in both undeveloped and advance region.
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