In 2009-2011 UNFPA supported the Government of Saratov region in development of the regional strategy on ageing.
The Strategy intends to fill an essential gap in policy and services for older persons at the regional level in Russia. The Strategy sets concrete recommendations for supporting work force participation of older persons, promoting educational and training programmes for older persons, and facilitating their cultural and recreational engagement. The Strategy suggests a double-faceted approach to addressing the needs and expectations of older persons: the humanitarian needs of older persons and measures for including older persons into regional economic policy.
The Strategy is based on rusults the representative survey thus pursuing the evidence based approach to formulating policy options and avoiding an often prevailing opinion-based approach.
Significantly, that the Strategy development was based on wide participatory approach including policy makers, service providers, international and local experts, NGOs and elderly people. This approach is the key to success. The innovative approaches of the Strategy can make it valuable model for developing policy responses to the challenges and opportunities of population and individual ageing in Russia and other countries.
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Event ID
Paper presenter
51 240
Type of Submissions
Regular session presentation, if not selected I agree to present my paper as a poster
Language of Presentation
Initial Second Choice
Weight in Programme
1 000
Status in Programme
Submitted by Alexander.Mordovin on